Upon hearing Allison’s wish, Dylan remained mostly silent, knowing that he had a lot on his plate before making any decisions about buying a house for their future together.

He understood that dealing with his enemies was a priority before he could settle down.

The following day, Dylan set out alone to Red’s Angels to meet Lord Owens since he got a call from him after being told about the death threat by his daughter, Princess Mane. He boarded a taxi after dropping Maya off at school.

As the taxi sped along the streets, Dylan’s gut instincts tingled, warning him that something was terribly wrong. He caught a glimpse of the driver’s suspicious glances through the rearview mirror, the once-friendly smile now replaced by a sinister expression. Alarm bells rang in his mind, but he tried to stay composed.

His phone suddenly started ringing, and checking the caller ID, Dylan realized it was Azure King. He picked up the call and said, “I’m guessing you must be in the loop too.”

“Well, your
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