27: Welcome to the supernatural world Jace Robert

Welcome to the supernatural world Jace Robert 


Lightning flashed through the sky and the Sky rumbled ferociously, Fast approaching footsteps could be heard, Out of the darkness came forth a young man gazing around the woods which he is living with his people. 

" Hello, is anybody here? " The Young man asked looking worried. 

" Hello is there anyone here? " The Young man asked, This time he could hear some few steps behind him, He turned back to see a young girl standing before him with a baby on her hands, She heaved on sighting the young man. 

 " Elena? What are you doing here? " The Young man asked in shock, He recognized the young girl to be one of his best friends back then in Highschool, They call her Elena the vicious, Elena the incredible and Elena the beautiful and now he is shocked on sighting her with a crying baby boy on her hands. 

" It's good seeing you Edward, You are just the

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