Chapter Ninety Two: Mission Successful
"I was not followed, Sir," the suave voice of Matteo rang out confidently. "This is Dr. Nguyen, a valuable asset to Carmichael. With him, we can finally bring them down and get what we want."

Arnold studied Matteo with a piercing gaze, his silence a testament to his astute nature. Matteo continued, choosing his words carefully as he sought to convey his loyalty and the importance of his mission.

"I assure you, my allegiance to the clan remains unwavering. I have sacrificed a lot to aid your missions. I've siphoned money to you and provided valuable leads and plans that will greatly benefit us. You can trust me on this, Boss," Matteo stated with a persuasive tone, his commitment underscored by a steely resolve.

The discussions were intense, with Matteo revealing more secrets about Carmichael and his company and wanting assurances in exchange for his plan to unfold.

After the meeting concluded, Matteo left Arnold's office, a sense of subtle triumph played across his features, his clear
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