Chapter Ninety Three: Meeting Grandma.

Alejandro and his team arrived back at the underground tunnel, their thoughts a jumble of confusion and concern. The revelation of the New President of Amazonian Tech Inc's involvement in the kidnappings of Lindsey had shaken them to the core. And the nagging question of why Lindsey, of all people, had been specifically targeted weighed heavily on their minds.

As they trudged through the dimly lit tunnel, they couldn't help but voice their thoughts, hoping to make sense of the situation.

Queency furrowed her brows in frustration. "Why would the president of such a big company be involved in this? It just doesn't add up."

Alejandro nodded grimly, his mind racing with possibilities. "I don't know, but Lindsey's family must be connected to something significant for her to be targeted like this."

As they emerged into their base, the urgency of their mission hung heavy in the air. They knew they couldn't rely on Lindsey to provide answers, as her parents had kept her in the dark about thei
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