We've Found Him!

Katherine was awake to the steady patter of rain upon her window, droplets yet to scatter the nascent rays of the rising sun.

The sound brings calmness to the mind, a soothing melody, and a natural lullaby.

With eyes at rest, she could feel her center, live happily within herself for these blessed moments of solitude.

She drifts on calm seas, aimless as a child on summer vacation, paddling, at ease with the fluidity of time.

Soon Katherine returned to the moment, and the song of the rain becomes a fusion, birds bringing sweet high notes.

In her mind's eye, she was with them, singing upon the rooftops, filling her lungs with fresh air, watching the world come into focus

Fresh windy cool and crispy air started whistling like an invisible ghost.

The red and green in color birds with chili-like beaks started twitting their morning melody.

The enormous garden stood like a royal palace and the thick dried strong brown big branches danced welcoming the morning.

The green brown beautif
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