Chapter 450

Nolan was on a stage in the center of the arena. "Ladies and gentlemen, I have an exciting surprise for you all tonight. After we've watched a pretty boring fight, I'm going to give you an exciting performance."

The audience began to wonder. The atmosphere became very boisterous.

Nolan smiled when he saw the excitement in the arena. He could smell money everywhere. He had Henry Tolando to thank for his brilliant idea.

"We're going to see two masked women take on a hundred criminals tonight. Are you ready to gamble and witness an amazing performance?"

The arena was getting crowded and heated.

Davis clenched his fists tightly, smiling broadly. He was getting excited and couldn't wait to see the match. "It's pretty incredible."

"If you're worried about Paula and Linda, you're doing it for nothing, Davis," Sammy said as he watched the punks begin to enter the arena.

"I'm sure Paula and Linda can beat them." Davis looked around the room at Henry Tolando. "That old man underestimated us
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