Chapter 196 You betrayed the family

They all started torturing him. Ava. Some slapped him while others beat him. They beat him till he couldn’t breathe and gave up on his last breath. They left the organization and set it on fire. They all looked at the organization once more; this was exactly where Ava lost his brother. MG lost his family, and most of them lost their families. Finally, they have been able to destroy the organization and kill the one who was behind it.

Alaric's had mixed feelings. The person who killed the family of his beloved was his uncle. She lost her mother because of him. He promised to love and treat her forever.

"Brother, father, I have avenged you. You can now rest in peace." Ava mumbled, tears welled up in her eyes but she stubbornly seized them from rolling them down her cheeks.

The all set off, finally they have gotten rid of the organization; it was left with Alaric’s aunt. Why must Alaric’s family cause her pain?

“My uncle is dead. I told my grandfather about it, and he said he deserves
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