Chapter 233

“Do you like your new position? I bet it’s really nice to sit on that very comfy seat and give orders from above. The question is, what would happen if someone decided to take away that power from you? Would you let us…”

“What do you want?!” yelled the heir tired of the games. He had grown exhausted and he just wanted to see his grandfather. He wondered if everyone in the house was safe.

Jennie, Mary, Damien, Tom and his mother. He did not want anything to happen to any of them. He wanted them all to be safe. He refused to believe that anything had happened to Damien.

He stood to his feet to face the man once again. He was not going to be afraid of the man but he was going to face him and kick him out of the house.

He knew being at the top would make him an automatic target but why would everyone see him as an enemy. He had done nothing wrong.

He knew this was the goal of his family members and that was it. There was no one else mad enough to do this.

They had hired this low budget h
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