Chapter 68; Invitation From the Crown Family

The guests in the Golden Paradise were stunned, and then they started to hang their heads down, terrified at this group of mafia-like men. They didn't want to get into trouble themselves, so they walked a bit further from the entrance.

On the other hand, the employees were intimidated, not to mention that they had just seen the guards of the Golden Paradise outside groaning in pain. Clearly, they were beaten up.

The senior manager gathered his courage. "Sir, please leave you're scaring the guests; if you don't, I'm afraid I would have to call the polic-"

Before the senior manager could finish speaking, Alex cut him off.

"It's alright, manager Kevin; from here, I'll handle this."

Listening attentively to Alex's words, senior manager Kevin immediately bowed in Alex's direction and spoke politely. "Yes sir. Please excuse my rudeness."

Alex turned his attention to this fellow, who was a member of the Crown family and must likely be his cousin...

Alex never imagined meeting his cousin a
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