The Zenith System
The Zenith System
Author: Jaq Drop
Chapter 001

Zack, a 25-year-old college dropout, is behind the counter of the local convenience store in downtown Oakbridge. The neon sign above the entrance flickered, casting shadows on the cracked pavement: "QuickFix." It is a name that has been seared into his memory, and one that reminded him of his unrealized dreams every day.

"Hey, loser!" taunts a college bully named Derek as he saunters into the store, snapping Zack out of his reverie. Derek will often drop by just to mock and ridicule him. He will pick up random items from the shelves and pretend to purchase them, only to throw them back, creating more work for Zack.

"Thanks for the mess," Zack says sarcastically, biting back his frustration.

It isn't just this jerk who treated him this way; it seems like everyone in his life sees him as a failure. His parents never fail to remind him of how he had squandered his potential and wasted their money by dropping out of college. His friends, all successful in their own ways, will jokingly call him "Captain QuickFix" whenever they come across each other, making light of his stagnant situation.

"Hey, when are you going to get a real job, huh?" Derek sneers, kicking over a display of chips.

"Leave me alone, Derek," Zack replies, restraining his anger. He knows it isn't worth getting into an argument with him.

"Whatever, man. Have fun restocking shelves," Derek says dismissively before walking out the door, leaving Zack to clean up the mess he'd made.

As Zack picks up the scattered chips, he can't help but think about how different things might have been if he hadn't dropped out of college. Maybe he’s now someone important, someone respected. Instead, he is stuck at QuickFix, the laughing stock of his friends and family.

"Zack, aisle three needs restocking," his boss calls out from the backroom, interrupting his thoughts.

"Right away, Mr. Thompson," he replies, swallowing his resentment. He can't afford to lose this job, as menial as it was.

As he restocks a shelf with an array of brightly colored energy drinks, his gaze follows a customer navigating a narrow aisle. It is a lady hurriedly grabbing snacks for a road trip, judging by her cart that is full of travel-sized goodies and maps sprawled across them.

When the lady approaches the counter, Zack goes to it. “All good?” he asks, his voice devoid of any cheerfulness that customer service scripts suggest.

"Yep, just these," she replies, not looking up from her phone as he scans each item with practiced swiftness. The cash register beeps affirmatively with each pass, a sound Zack has come to associate with the mundanes of his life.

As she leaves with a distracted thanks, Zack's eyes drift outside where the world seems to move forward without him. Cars zip by, people walk with purpose, and there he is—stuck behind a counter, trapped in a loop of transactional exchanges.

"Hey, Zack!" another voice calls out, pulling him from his thoughts again. Turning his head, he sees Mason walking towards him.

Zack's childhood friend is a pretty sight: tall, fit, and always sporting a contagious smile. Mason is currently in his final year at a prestigious university, majoring in engineering, while Zack is left working at the convenience store. Mason is already delayed for a few years, but he is still successful compared to him.

“How's it going?” Mason asks.

Zack attempts a smile. "Just another day in paradise," he quips, his sarcasm failing to mask the envy he feels towards Mason's life.

“Great! And here I am, about to die with the series of exams in this hellish week.”

“Die?” Zack asks. He doesn’t look like dying. In fact, he looks as handsome and muscular as… forever.

“I was thinking to come by your place after this hell week, play some games maybe? Is your cousin still staying at your place?”

“If you are referring to Celeste, of course she is. She’s paying for the place, dude.”

“Great, great!” he says, smiling while clapping him on the back. “I have a new video game, an RPG this time. It will be both our relaxation.”

“Just bring in some food, or else, Celeste will nag me.”

“What do you think Celeste will like?”

“I don’t know. She’s been nagging me to eat properly, even if its me who cooks.”

“You lucky man. Stop making me jealous!”

“I am the one on the other side of the counter, Mason,” he points out. “And I am the one receiving all the nagging.”

Zack has always known that Mason has been crushing hard on his older cousin for a while now. He also thinks that it’s the reason why he’s still his friend.

“Oh, come on, stop selling yourself short,” he says. “By the way, does Celeste have a man? Is she bringing men to the apartment?”

“No. She just stays in random places and stare at random nothingness.”

“You think she’s heartbroken?”

“She’s not like that. I call her an iron lady for a reason.”

“Ah! I know! Invite her to our little party! Whatever her problem is, I will help her resolve it!”

“I told you, she’s not the type. Besides, she sees you as a younger brother.”

“Oh, come on, man, you know I have always had a crush on your cousin. Put in a good word or two for me, will you?”

“I’ll try,” he promises.

“Thanks, man! You’re the best!”

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