14 An uncle who has equipment shop


: The next day Michael decided to call his uncle since he remembered about him having an equipment shop.

''What are you thinking about?''Wanessa asked.

''I want to buy better equipment for my cafe.''Michael said.

''You have 'new items' task. It can give you points for looking for needed items, but I am not sure if that's going to be enough.''Wanessa said.

Michael nodded and smiled. He was happy that Wanessa was trying to help him. It was something that Isabella never gave to him before. Now he needed to call his uncle and get things ready. As soon as he dialed his uncle's number he heard the answer.

"Uncle Henry! Long time no see!"Michael said.

"Hello, Michael! Well, I'll be! How've you been?"Henry asked.

"Oh, you know, same old life. Just trying to navigate this crazy world. How about you? What have you been up to?"Michael asked.

"Oh, you know me, Michael. Still tinkering away in the garage, fixing up old cars. Keeps me out of trouble and sho
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