14 Wholesome Happiness

"Yeah," James affirmed, "all the way from Graylon City. Do you know how I can get back there?"

"Graylon City?" Rodney retorted.

James instantly knew from Rodney's reaction that he was a long way from home.

"That's in another entirely different continent!"

"Shit!" James exclaimed and kicked the snow that was on the floor.

"Shit!" He exclaimed as he walked to the side to stare into the nothingness of the snowy forest.

He stayed there staring for a long time Rodney was tempted to ask him what he was thinking about but he thought twice about it and decided to keep quiet and watch what James would do next.

After what seemed like forever, James finally spoke up, "Is there any way to leave this place and go back to my city? Like an airport or train station, or anything like that?"

"Hm...." Rodney put his hand on his chin briefly as if he was thinking, "There's an airport around here."

"Great!" James' face brightened up, "where–"

"But–" James' face froze at that word and he suddenly became
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