The man with Black Heart

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The man with Black Heart

By: Reemah Reigns CompletedSystem

Language: English

Chapters: 160 views: 5.5K

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Javad de Venta was once a professional doctor before he becomes a lived in son-in-law and then a Mafia Don. All odds were against him because he has a kind heart. Things however took a turn when he went to prison and return. In jail he acquired a revenge system that can supply strategies plans and resources for him to regain what he had lost. *** " Boss You only need to sign here and the Inheritance will be yours " " What if I said I want the whole world? " " Then you will have to possessed a black heart " Javad de Venta smirk at this and he nodded. " I want the whole world Cassius. About the black heart, i have it already "

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  • Jopas


    okay, I'm in love with this one. The story description is perfect and unique.

    2023-08-14 20:21:47
  • Ibiso Bobmanuel


    Wow, amazing masterpiece everywhere. I love this one

    2023-06-28 02:41:47
  • Kenny Young


    why the slow update??? one episode a day is unfair. please update More. thank you

    2023-08-19 21:29:22
  • Kenny Young


    Very thick storyline. lot of thrilling cliffhangers. The chest of system has been found. oh , i just being a spoiler. i just love Javad

    2023-08-08 16:39:18
  • Kenny Young


    Another perfect storyline. Please update more. too much suspense ughhh

    2023-06-23 22:19:28
  • Pure Lily


    A perfect start. please update more

    2023-06-20 01:48:09
Latest Chapter
160 chapters
Episode 1 : Javad De Venta
The rain makes the weather cold and cool, waking Javad de Venta from his slumber. The man fluttered his gray eyes open to see he was sleeping at the edge of the king-size bed. He turns slightly to see his wife, County Felton fast asleep. She has taken all the bed coverlets to herself. The man groans softly as he makes to drape the coverlet over himself too. His actions woke up County and she took no time before ranting, as always. She pushed him away as though he is something extremely irritable. " Get the hell away from me you useless bloke. Did you try to force yourself on me while I was sleeping? " " County calm down. I was only trying to cover myself and ... " " Get the hell out you liar! " She whispers tightly. " There is no way we will be consummating our three years of marriage tonight. I told you that already " " I am... " " Get out. Sleep on the couch or the marble tile. You can go out in the rain for all I care. I regretted the day I met you " The man gritted his t
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Episode 2 : Perfect Hell
" Mother your useless son-in-law must have annoyed County last night. Can't you see he is still sleeping on the couch now? " Javad heard the voice of Leah and was about to sit up when the water got sprinkled on his face by Lara. Swiftly he sits up and opens his eyes, trying not to alarm anyone of his allergy. " You stupid man! Will you get your ass off the couch and do the chores! " Lara, county's mother yelled out angrily. " Mother I have woken up already. I only... " " Will you shut up! " " I can't believe he is still sleeping at this hour. Only gracious God knows why he keeps getting handsome as seconds pass by in poverty " Leah gritted out this time. " That must have been what that foolish daughter of mine fell for. I wouldn't have acquired this wealth if I have go for a pretty face " Lara cried out. County had left for her office, else she would have walked in to make the situation much worse for her husband. Javad's day started as usual with him cleaning the house. The
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Episode 3 : Revenge System Activated
" He won't speak Mrs Felton. We have tried to make him utter a word of confession but he wouldn't. " All he demanded for was his wife. County Felton " " Well cop, I am not the mother-in-law to a murderer. My daughter isn't his wife " Javad heard the voice of Lara saying to the cops who has been guarding the dimly lighted room he was kept in. After some minutes he saw Lara and Leah walk in. Their perfume swirls around the room. " I heard you won't confess to your deeds Javad. You will be taken to court and be sentenced to prison " Lara said and Leah, the shrewd sister of County chipped in. " Even if you speak or not you will be jailed for murdering Salza Duke " " I don't know anyone that goes by that name " He finally Whispers. " He is dead before I got home " " You murdered him Javad. After you were arrested your luggage was searched and we found your reports. " You have an eye disorder. You can't see properly. You must have thought Salza Duke is Zesa Crow and you murdered hi
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Episode 4 : Black Heart
TWO YEARS AND SIX MONTHS LATER. Javad De Venta lay on his bed that day with his eyes open. He could overhear the soft footsteps coming his way. He turns gently to see the man before the bars. " Come out Javad. You have got a visitor " The man in uniform Said to him. He opened the door for Javad to walk out and he lead the way. All the while Javad was in puzzle as he thought about Who would have been merciful enough to visit him? " There you go " Javad looks ahead of him to see Cassius Montero. The consigliere of the De Venta clan. Goosebumps overwhelmed the skin of Javad as he approached Cassius who immediately get up on his feet upon seeing his boss. They settled down in a small room and the security men left to give them privacy. Silence stretched out between them like forever and their gaze locked. Abruptly a smile appears on the face of Cassius and he mutters. " It's almost unbelievable. I never thought you will still look the same. Look how finely carved your jaw is. "
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Episode 5 : Powerful reunion
Javad de Venta was cladded in his black raincoat that swirl atop his boots and he marched into the house of Vicente Rodrigo. " I would like to see Vicente," He said to the butler who had run to meet him. The Butler was shocked at his choice of words. " Who would dare call the master of this house by his name alone? " He mutters to himself as he left to call unto Vicente who has already gone to bed that night. Javad stood still, beside the window and waited. After some minutes the man with white beared walked into the living room. Vicente Rodrigo. A drug lord who is into the ungodly business since he is born. " Hey, who are you? " The older man asked but before Javad could reply his eyes caught the sight of Miran. His heart leap to his throat when he saw the lady who was supposed to be his wife cleaning the floor. That moment Alejandro, the son of Vicente decided to walk into the room. He bypassed Miran and reached out to molest her just like always. The lady try to wriggle fr
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Episode 6 : Ding!
Sebastian Rodrigo a galant man with very long white hair pushed away the bottles of alcohol before him and breathed out in fury. His eyes were red from anger and he is beyond pacifying. His men in the living room quickly move to a safe distance. They know that murderous look on his face and they fear to be a victim. " What did you just say, uncle? Didn't you say you saw a man who looks like Javad de Venta or a man who IS Javad de Venta? " Vicente's lips were quivering when he answered. " Sebastian the man I saw... Is Javad. He is the real son of de Venta. He is alive. He is different now " " It can't be. I order his death twelve years ago. The man you saw can't be Javad. He is dead! " " I think you should calm down Boss. There is no way Javad is... " One of Sebastian's men was saying but he ended up getting shot in the head. The rest stood transfixed in fear. " He has no fear in his eyes Sebastian " Vicente continues as though nothing horrible had taken place. " The man I saw
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Episode 7 : How Time Flies
The maid brought the cup of coffee to the dining table where Zesa sat. His angry eyes glared at the beautiful lady and he asked tightly. " Where is that unfortunate woman? " " Young master, madam is still on her bed " " At this hour? Call her out immediately! " The maid rushes immediately to call unto County. In no time the ex-wife of Javad de Venta came running into the dining room. Life has passed her by. Ever since she tied the knot with Zesa Crow her life has never been the same. " you have a way of upsetting me when it's least expected county. How could you be sleeping at this hour? " " Zesa... I... " The aggressive man took no time before cutting her off with a smack across the face. The very thing Javad had never done to her. County is used to the ill-treatment so instead of yelling she gets on her knees and apologizes for waking up late. At that moment the delivery man arrived with the daily newspaper. He extended it to Zesa and left immediately. The angry man turns
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Episode 8 : Javad's puppet
County drove into Felton's home and alighted very aggressively. She opened the bonnet to get her luggage and she headed into the house.Lara was just having her morning tea with Leah when County stormed into the living room. " Mother! Sister! " Lara nearly spilled her tea. She stood up immediately to answer the call from her last daughter. " County. Why are you like this? You should be ... " She stopped when her eyes took the luggage. " Wait, do not tell me you left Zesa because he beat you up again? " " Dear sister " Leah chipped in this time as she walks into the living room. " You have got to return. Do not worry, I will visit Zesa in his office and plead with him " County was stunned. Her jaw dropped and she felt like going crazy. " Both of you should shut the hell up! " She screamed out unexpectedly. Lara and Leah exchange glances at this but keep their cool to hear her out." You two must have been living under the rock. Don't you listen to the news? " " We do County, oka
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Episode 9 : You are More
Silence fell in the large living room and everyone exchanged glances. They thought Javad is only speaking nonsense.At last, Aurora chuckled mockingly and then turn to the members that were peeking from different angles. " This is the man you lay your hopes on? This deranged man who is an ex-convict? " Murmurs Arose immediately after this and Aurora concluded while settling her gaze on Javad. " You will never be like your father. You will never be like de Venta and let's not forget you murdered him " She left after these bitter words that dug deep into Javad's heart and tore it apart but he managed not to react. Instead, he turns to Vicente who quickly looks away as he mutters. " I ... Will take my leave now and inform Sebastian about your final decision " Vicente exited the house immediately with his few men and silence dominated the living room. Javad slowly goes to the window and peers out. His Milky long fingers tap the wall slightly as he lean on. The moment was tense a
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Episode 10 : De Venta's Fort
Javad arrived before the large hospital and alighted. He quickly walk into the hall, avoiding the media who had thousands of questions. When he gets to the room where Aurora was he sigh softly but didn't get to work immediately. He could see in the room some of Chen's clan who had arrived out of concern. " I hate you Javad. I hate you so much. I wish you could drop dead and never rise again " He heard Aurora saying bitterly but he shrugged. " Beg Aurora. Beg me to help you " Anahita walks in at that moment in surprise. " Javad you gets what you wanted. help her right away! " " What will it hurt if you both swallow your damn pride and say please! " He retorted hotly. Never had anyone seen him so angry. The Chen clan who is present quickly backed off to a corner and Anahita sagged her shoulder but was still glaring. " You said I am nothing like my father. Hell, why would I have to be like him? " He asked Aurora angrily. " I won't be like a man who trusted you, hypocrites as his
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