Chapter 32

He felt guilty at that moment but, everything where now the past he had to take the present, face the responsibility, and carry the burden alone.

All these while when he was lost in thought, doctor Charles was still busy explaining.

" ,,,, So the medication would be here tomorrow I hope you won't mind," Doctor Charles asked Shadrach.

Instead, he got no reply.

Everyone had a skeptical look wondering why he was lost in thought.

Alex took a bold step to snap him out of his thought and called out his name.

" Young master?".

Immediately he heard the name, his train of thought was immediately interrupted. He then apologized

" Oh, sorry am so so sorry I was thinking about something".

He then said further

" By the way doctor Charles could you please repeat what you said earlier am sorry my mind wasn't here".

" No problem young master I know you might be thinking about your memories but in a short while you would recover fully".

" I would prescribe some medications for you which you would t
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