Chapter 94: Selina the Slave (1)

The Greenberg family castle stood proudly, bathed in the soft glow of magical decorations and lights. The air was filled with anticipation as the evening approached, signaling the imminent celebration of Selina Greenberg's 18th birthday.

There were still more than five hours left before the main party would commence.

Inside the castle, Selina's personal room had been transformed into a breathtakingly beautiful sanctuary.

The walls were adorned with shimmering tapestries, reflecting the ethereal light that filtered through the windows. The scent of freshly cut flowers permeated the air, filling the space with a delightful fragrance.

It was here, in the heart of this enchanting setting, that Selina found herself nestled in the arms of a man.

The man was none other than Luke Steeline , her master.

His commanding presence and unwavering support had been instrumental in enabling Selina and her mother to take the reins of the Greenberg family, ensuring their safety and prosperity.

"Thank yo
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