Chapter 215

“Fire!” I tried to knock him down with just one bullet, but it didn't hit him, that's why this time I will try to knock him down with a bomb. Maybe this time I can knock him down. I swallowed deeply at the same time as beads of sweat dripped from my forehead down my cheeks as I aimed my weapon at his location. Furthermore, I held my breath before I released the bomb on him. With the force of it I was thrown and fell to the ground where I dropped my weapon. But that bomb immediately went to him, in less than five seconds, it exploded where he was so that the whole area around us was filled with smoke. I closed my eyes because the smoke caused by it was hot. But after a while, I opened my eyes. An eerie silence enveloped the surroundings. I stood up and slowly walked towards him, where his direction was covered by thick smoke. I frowned with a trace of curiosity on my face. Is he still alive or dead? But it's impossible that he's still alive because it's not just an ordinary bomb used i
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