Chapter 52

Good morning Sir!” a calm female voice rang past Dr. Hugh Henow’s ear, just when he took the diversion towards his office in Lagos City Police Department.

Oh, God! Here we go again. Is there any day people realize that you don’t want to talk to them? That even the best greetings they offer might sound so shrill to your ears. Moments you just want to be alone.

“Morning!. How are you?” he responded less aggressively than he intended to. If he gives a cold reply very early in the morning, she would be wary of coming to him throughout the day.

“I am fine sir,” she noticed the lack of interest and coldness in his reply. Now hold on. Not like she was interested in greeting him. She is only doing this because she has a message for him. Even if he is her superior, he has no right over. He is not even her employer.

He kept on walking. She hurried towards him.

“Dr. Williams wants to see you.” She whispered behind him. Hu
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