201. A Long And Arduous Journey

Leonard and Daniel stood side by side, their nervous anticipation palpable as they approached the head of the education office in their city. They had endured countless hardships, from the relentless bullying by Edgar and his cohorts to the seemingly endless indifference of the school administration. But today was different. Today, they had taken a stand.

As they entered the office, the man behind the desk looked up from his paperwork and smiled warmly at them. "You two have been very brave throughout all of this," he said, his voice filled with admiration. "I'm proud of you."

Leonard and Daniel exchanged glances, their chests swelling with pride. They had faced their fears, and spoke up for themselves, and now they were finally being recognized for their courage.

The man leaned forward, his expression growing serious. "I want you to know that this is the end of the road for both Edgar and his parents. We take issues of bullying very seriously, and your bravery in coming forward will
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