Chapter 1610
Marciella walking away did not bode well with the giant snake. Marciella was its food! How could it accept that its food had escaped?

Marciella had not moved far yet. She reluctantly looked back at Fred.

She did not know how Fred would handle the River God. She could only hope Fred would be okay!

When Fred saw that she had left, he geared up, rubbing his palms in glee. He had an eager look on his face, which confused the giant snake.

It was the snake’s first time meeting a man like Fred!

How strange indeed!

At this time!

Suddenly, Fred said with hostility etched on his face, "Hey, Big Snake, what are you going to do now?"

The snake's attention was entirely focused on him, which seemed off to Fred.

"What I’m going to do?"

The giant snake fixated its eyes on Fred. It felt that it could handle a human like Fred easily.

“I’m going to kill you with one bite! How dare you look down on me like this!"

The giant snake rushed toward Fred fiercely at a speed so fast that no one could
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