Nick kept pacing up and down the clinic area, he was literally panicking about Caesar's life. He promised Fedora he was going to bring him home and now?

How would he face his sister if anything happened to the man she loved?

A lot was going on in his mind when the door opened and the doctors walked out of the room, the look on their faces said otherwise and Nick found himself giving a silent prayer in his mind. Why the hell was he always in this kind of situation? The other time it was his wife and now ceaser? Would fedora be able to bear it if anything happens to him?

“How is he, doctor?” Nick immediately asked, “is he okay?”

Even as he was asking, he was already dreading their answer.

“I’m sorry, we lost him”

His world paused for a split second, his mind was unable to comprehend what the doctor just said. Lost him? Like Caesar was dead or what the hell did he mean?

“I don’t understand you doctor”

“The knife penetrated his abdominal wall to a great extent which affected some major pa
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