chapter 4 : absolute hell.

“Quickly, close the door…” Maxwell shouted in fear and panic, while urging Omar to close the toilet door, before he also closed the opposite toilet door.

“Damn, everyone inside this damned plane has turned into zombies...”

“Just what the hell is going on!!!”

Both of them discovered that the pilot was not the only one who turned into a zombie, but that most of the passengers became like that, and even those who did not turn became victims and were eaten alive. He and Omar ran and hid inside the toilet.

He wiped the sweat from his pale face. He was feeling tired and afraid. He took out his phone and immediately called his father's number. His phone had a satellite connection feature, so he didn't have a problem even when he was in the air.



Maxwell felt as if hours had passed during the call, due to the sounds of screams coming from passengers being eaten alive and the terrifying sounds coming from zombie passengers.

"Max!! Thank God you're alive..." An adult male's voice came from the phone

Maxwell frowned, “From your question and the sounds coming from you, let me guess, you also encountered zombies...”


"What's going on here, man?! That's the thing you warned me about when I was little. I've encountered something similar to it..."

“Max, Max, calm down, I don’t know what’s going on either, but the whole world is facing the same thing, where are you currently!!?”

Maxwell took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down

“I, I'm currently inside the plane, falling towards the ground while talking to you...”


“Quickly find a parachute and jump out of the plane, remember to be careful not to get even a single scratch from the mutants...”

Maxwell closed his eyes, which were red. He was holding himself back so as not to cry. He sighed and stopped his father from speaking.

“Stop, stop, dad. I just called to say goodbye. I’m currently trapped inside the toilet. All the passengers have turned into zombies...”



“It's not your fault, old man. It seems to be my fate. I don't know what's happening to the world, but I don't think it's a good thing. It's like a resurrection. Just make sure to save the family...”

“Thank you...for everything and sorry...”

Maxwell hung up the call, put his phone aside and leaned against the toilet door, then closed his eyes and waited for his death

An image of a woman, roughly the same age as him, appeared inside his mind

“I haven't confessed to her yet...” he muttered in frustration

“I don't know how she is now...”

“Mom, we will meet soon...”

“I guess there's no need to worry about the possibility of dying in four years, hahaha...”



At 13:55, North Africa, the Atlantic Ocean near the Kingdom of Morocco, a passenger plane crash occurred, carrying more than 600 people, and it is not known whether any of the passengers survived...

It would be better if none of them survived because what is happening to the world right now is absolute hell.

Without excluding all nations, the entire planet Earth was undergoing earth-shaking changes.



14:37, USA, San Francisco, inside the medical wing of one of the military bases.

The place was crowded with many wounded soldiers and even convicts.

“Doctor, is there any evidence that the scientist is waking up?”

The doctor looked at the report in his hand before looking at the general with a sigh

“No, General, the condition of Scientist Andreas and General Wilson is a bit strange, both their mental activity and heartbeat are high for high-altitude bikes...”

The general sighed, “Hmm, what about the others, do you have any idea why they fainted...”

The doctor shook his head

“Unfortunately no, I also lost consciousness for about half an hour. Only a few were able to remain conscious. We do not know the reason, but without confirming it, it has something to do with the appearance of that meteor about an hour ago...”

“I never imagined that I would see something that I had only seen in science fiction movies. Almost 30% of the people inside the medical ward turned into zombies. If the soldiers had not killed them in time, this military base would have definitely fallen...”


The General's phone started ringing

“Excuse me...” he apologized and then answered his phone

But his face quickly turned pale, he hung up the phone call and looked at the doctor with an ugly expression

“What’s wrong?” the doctor asked with a frown

“California, New York as well as Texas, all these states fell, the army could not stop the spread of zombies...”


The doctor's face turned pale and his knees became weak

"Don't lose hope, Raf. There is hope that your family has hidden. Even if this hope is weak, just try to cling to it...”

Doctor Raf's face regained some color when he heard this

" Thank you ... "

“Not now, thank me when I bring you your family. The army is now trying to establish safe places and then start rescuing people and killing zombies...”

Although the general was speaking optimistic words, inside he was not optimistic. According to the news he received, the reason for the fall of all those states was due to the emergence of a different type of zombie from the rest, a type that regular firearms do not affect. The zombies mutated to become immune to bullets. This was a huge blow to humanity.



15:00, only two hours had passed since the zombies appeared, and yet several major cities had fallen, inside one of the advanced military aircraft.

“Damn it, I told them hundreds of times that the Factor of evolution is dangerous and that it poses a danger to humanity, but those pigs insisted on keeping it and studying it, and look where this has led them...” an almost middle-aged man said angrily and in a sad tone.

Another man who looked to be the same age sighed

"James, calm down..."

James, who heard these words, became even more angry

“Damn it, how can you ask me to calm down, Brian? I lost my son. Damn it, and I couldn’t do anything. I couldn’t save my son Max...”

Although James looks like a middle-aged man in his late thirties, he is an old man, over sixty years old, and so is the man named Brian. It was James who had spoken about an hour ago with Maxwell, his biological father.

Brian sighed. He saw how desperate James was while talking to his son. The two were now on their way towards their place of residence to save their family. An entire army battalion was accompanying them.

“There's hope he's still alive…” Brian said suddenly

James frowned and calmly waited for the other to complete his words

“You know, the five of us obtained these powers after being exposed to the evolution Factor radiation...”

“Now the entire world has been exposed to radiation, the Factor of evolution, and remember what the scientist said... he said that the Factor of evolution interacts with humans differently from one person to another. Some failed to adapt to this radiation, and as side effects they ended up turning into zombies, but... "

“I'm sure humans who haven't become zombies have the chance to awaken superhuman abilities just like us, not to mention that your son has an amount of evolution factor inside his body...”

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