Fusion completed

He observed the energy in his body closely and found that the energy was moving in a strange pattern in his body mixing and fusing into his blood vessels.

He discovered that those strands of energy were like the fine threads of a spiderweb. They flowed in his body in a way that could not be understood visually.

He started to absorb the energy to fuse with his body faster, and his inner organs which seem like they were going to burst out of his body any moment started to calm down though he was still feeling pain across his body but the pain was reducing gradually that his body temperature was returning to normal. The pressure on his body was reduced.

That fresh blood running down his skin did not originate from his own body. However, Lu Shang's skin and inner organs seemed to be absorbing it while giving off a faint red glimmer, causing the stench of the blood to grow increasingly pungent. It was as if the blood was nourishment to his body which was why his body was greatly and greed
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