Aaron Mutua

Novels by Aaron Mutua

The Hated Millionaire Heir

The Hated Millionaire Heir

Fear, rejection, despise, all this negative energy circumnavigated Ricky. He never wanted to join the Mason's family and neither did the Mason's want him in their family, but a promise forced the two together. But Ricky being the foster child with the Mason name didn't mean he was family, he was never welcomed since he step foot. Assaulted, hated, abused, Ricky felt the inhumane and the beastiality locked in the depths of man. He struggles to hold on to dear life, while in this very mansion. When the furnace becomes too hot he takes to the skies. He flees to seek his origin and only one person knew, his guardian angel Madison. His absence creates a final heaven in the Masons but meanwhile the family crumbles day by day. Eventually Ricky discovers he was the heir of a millionaire business tycoon whose identity was kept secret. This changes everything, while Ricky strives to the peaks of success and wealth, the Mason's collapse down to the rubble's and back to dust.
Chapter: Proposal
His eyes glimpsed and his lashes flashed as he woke up that early morning, “Its 6:30”, he whispered brushing his eyes with his palms. He scanned the master bedroom and stared at the hanging chandelier, he sighed out heavily and rose slightly leaning on the bed’s edge. Sam was discharged early the previous day and his wife happily brought him home where he has slept for the past twelve hours. The white thick sheets were cozy on his feet while his vest warmed his chest, his wife however, was fully tucked for she had much lighter clothing and was still asleep. Calmly he brushed the covers over to his wife and placed his legs on the tiled floor, he walked to the window and pulled the curtains open. The orange yellow horizon was magnificent and the artistic brushes of the clouds was a beauty, Sam opened the windows and the immediate smooth cold breeze kissed his face and the melodies of the birds perked on his garden trees echoed in his drums. Amidst his state he was unaware of the ambush
Last Updated: 2024-08-01
Chapter: Headlines
“Meeting starts in one hour.” She reminded her boss, Tony switched to his wrist watch and noted the current time, 9:30 a.m, he murmured. Pushing his laptop to the side he pulled the day’s newspaper underneath the pile of arranged documents, he paused to wrap the sleeves of his shirt nearing his elbows and leaned on the desk to read the headlines. SUDDEN CHAOS, the bold capitalized heading screamed, below was a picture of a building surrounded by ambulances and fire trucks, the walls were charred and glimpses of press caught in the act casting the news, sipping his mid-morning coffee he flipped to the next page. Tony hadn’t been on the loop for the past three days, he didn’t watch the news or enter into any social platform to know just what was on everybody’s lips, however, Tony wasn’t desperate to get slapped by this bombshell. “I like staying afloat. The less I know the simpler life gets.” He ushered his wisest words, living by his rule Tony shifted his eyes from the second page to
Last Updated: 2024-07-25
Chapter: Unsettled
She watched as she disappeared within the crowd before she called her cab. “Where to Miss?” the cab driver asked, “Kang’s enterprise.” She informed, the driver keyed in the coordinates in the GPS screen on the dashboard and he drove off. It took about an hour before she was at her company’s premises, after paying the cab driver his needed amount she began the walk inside the building. As her flats traversed the ground floor she greeted the receptionist with a fake smile as she headed for the elevator. Patiently she waited for the elevator doors to open, she had a lovely time with her girl pal Angel but now she was left to ponder her greatest fear. “Ding!”, the elevator doors opened, she walked in and the reflective side by side walls mirrored her reflection, she brushed her purse higher before clicking her floor number. A minute or so later the elevator doors closed and up it went with her inside. Ten minutes elapsed and she was settled in her office, placing her purse on the far edg
Last Updated: 2024-07-18
Chapter: Unexpected
Alarms echoed inside the server room, nose tearing rings blasted the walls forcing those inside to exit the building, “Call Sam ASAP!” Rocky ordered. Smoke brewed on the far west of the building, people were still running out coughing, their eyes red and tears flowing. “The fire is from the server room.” Rocky stated, his wrists clipped his waist his elbows poked out, he walked left and right two step and a turn, his worries were evident and reasonable. The fire had managed to spread across the whole basement and somehow to the ground floor, smoke rose from the elevator and filled the reception area. The beautiful inviting arena was now a scene of soot and toxins, “Mr. Sam we have a situation.” The secretary informed. On the other side of the phone Sam placed his newspaper on the table, he wore his glasses and worriedly he asked, “What happened?”, “Sir its best you see for yourself.” The voice imposed. “I’m on my way.” Sam remarked ending the call, “Honey we have to go.” He ushered
Last Updated: 2024-07-15
Chapter: Don’t lie
Her fingers thoroughly canvased her purse, she dipped in each pocket but still she couldn’t find them, “Where are those damn keys!” she cursed. After her meetup with Tony Abigail walked straight home thinking on whether she made the right call or not, however it was at the door did she realize she couldn’t find her keys. Normally the kyes were at the bottom of her purse after the tissues, napkins and other necessities, but today they weren’t there, desperate and stressed Abigail poured down the purse contents. She squatted with her legs closed and brushed over all her quantities, once, twice, she repeatedly brushed till she confronted the truth that she lost her keys. Affirmed of her suspicions she packed all that she poured back in and pulled out her phone, she went straight to her contacts and on the search bar she keyed the contact “Sis”, the named contact appeared which she clicked, she then placed the phone’s microphone piece on her ear as the call rang, rang, and rang.On the
Last Updated: 2024-07-06
Chapter: I’m sorry I can’t
Time had passed since the sisters were reunited, to catch up for the years of absentia for the other Angel pitched the idea Abigail joins her apartment, incapable of saying no simply because she too wanted the same Abigail moved in with her sister. “You still have your space and the top bunk is mine.” Becky teased, “Well I still have the keys and can take back my bunk when I return.” Abigail remarked, the two friends hugged as the taxi driver carried her bag and tucked in his boot, “Bye.” She bid, “Bye.” She responded waving as the cab drove away. “Morning.” She greeted, “Morning.” She answered, her cream mug was filled with black coffee she prepared, her fresh doughnuts were slowly hardening as they cooled, “Seven.” She whispered taking a sip of her coffee. Abigail had woken up late that morning while her sister was timely and eyes open at five, “You will be late.” Angel reminded her dazed twin. “Had a rough night I’m not sure I’ll make it.” Abigail complained, rubbing her hair Ab
Last Updated: 2024-07-04
Head of The Table

Head of The Table

With more power than the government and more influential than the church, Ben manages to be the greatest drug lord in the black market. This great power and influence comes also with unnecessary attention and draws greedy attempts amongst his associates, including the Tang dynasty. After the negotiable compliant Mr. Tang was befallen with stroke, the business was left in the amateur hands of the two sons, Wu and Li. The Tang brothers were greedy and sought the power Ben possessed. So the two brothers rage the war and it’s the Tang brothers against Ben. Along the way, Ben’s brother-Reuben- is badly injured and is admitted. Elsewhere circumstances and over burden obligations drive a man to suicide but fortunately he survives a forty floor story building drop and is admitted in the same hospital Reuben is admitted. This coincidental unplanned encounter leads to the first meet up between Brian and Ben. At very potential danger and a failed attempted assassination, Ben cooks up an insane idea and opts to hire Brian to act as Reuben temporarily. So the train wreck begins, initially Brian portrays as a humble aspiring drug accomplice but after several attempts by the Tang brothers, Ben is forced to lay low and entrusts Brian with his empire. This move changed the tables, Brian’s ambition and goal to be the best brings hell on earth for those around and loyal to Ben, especially the knights. The excessive blood spilling draws Ben from his hideout, and chaos was everywhere, worse Brian joins forces with the Tang dynasty. However Ben is determined to prove the two merged forces that he was the head for a reason. So the war escalates and eventually only one emerges the strongest.
Chapter: Awake
This man who saved him, who made him the man he is from the immature boy he was boy, who made him be the living example of from rags to riches, at this moment he had the guts to brush this away and end his messiah without skipping a beat, without no hesitation, without remorse in his heart. But the countless death toll proved he had no heart, proved that yarn in his head had killed the man and made him the vessel of chaos and pain, the man died ages ago only demons floated inside his shell. Staring at him like his previous victims he increased the weight on his finger, the pressure on the trigger till eventually… “Click!”, is this broken, he wounded scanning the death tool in hand to confirm his suspicions. No bullets, the magazine was empty the echo sounded, but why, he wondered, he was lost by the turn of events like why threaten his sister with an unloaded gun, did he love her? Were they together? All these filled the gaps but still it couldn’t make the full sentence. As he tucked
Last Updated: 2024-04-11
Chapter: Crossfire
“Faster.” He cursed, even with a HeadStart Brian managed to catchup to his men and out pass them, “You good for guns only, your feet are mere Pinocchio sticks.” He rebuked them highlighting the facts in comparison to the mahogany fragile softwood barks he assumed built Pinocchio. But he was right, upper wise, they had bulging muscles, chisel shapes, but down, their legs were low on stamina, speed and toughness, he now understood why women complained about the bed performance of men with mishandled, unmaintained, let loose legs “Pathetic!”, he cursed boosting himself onwards without the excuse of a team behind him. “Wait.” He paused, there was something odd, it took him ten minutes to notice the behavior, they were running in circles, the ten minutes he marked the direction he went and noticed the mushroom he passed moments ago, the dying tree he tripped on, the baby sticker one of his men dropped from his SMG, “Shit!” he cursed his men arriving at the same time he dawned this. “Let’s
Last Updated: 2024-04-11
Chapter: The Barian Ghosts
The ghosts of the Barian ancestry they called the haunted abandoned chapel. Years ago, it was told of the story, carried from mouth to mouth on the man who was chased away from the house of whom they called the Messiah, how evil overpowered good. The month of giving, it was the month priests fattened themselves on the offerings of their congregation, “For charity.”, they preached though it was their bellies fundraised to meet their gluttonous needs. Amongst them was a believer, from his ancestors, the line of grand parents to the first man, he believed that this chapel was the house of the supreme being, “Father!”, he would pray every day, before dawn and hours after dusk he would recite. Barian he was named after his birth right ceremony, his parents were of the tradition and of the foreign religion, rich in spirit and wisdom but their richest was the grassed thatched dome rooftop, their cubical shelter they called home, and like true religionists they were satisfied. Barian like hi
Last Updated: 2024-04-11
Chapter: Secrets unveiled
“Not much time… this condition may be permanent I’m afraid.”, the doctor dropped the disheartening news, “he may live with it but it will grow at a slow rate so maybe till his eighties will it be the size of a tumor.”, he concluded tying the note on his death receipt. His immature stupid decisions brought this condition, this unexplainable criticality, he recalled his struggles blinded by the love for his sister that he paid no attention to his own. In his initial hell life, when his sister was admitted amidst his scuffles and struggles for money, he attempted to rob the grocery saleswoman down the alley. He had planned everything knowing his sister’s bill was due the next day, he was aware of his victim’s behaviors, “First the fruits… then the wooden boards…” his scanning paused, “…Yes then the money.”, he gladdened his self, locked on the purse, its insides were unknown but it clinked with each swing. Starting his speed from far, he burst his left hand stretched as he neared his v
Last Updated: 2024-04-10
Chapter: Blood is Thicker
“Who am I fighting for?” he questioned angrily, his brutal side took over, his left both hands roughly clutched on her bloodied white shirt, “I said who do I fight for!” he screeched this time colluding her with the wall, her spine was at its limit, her body enough of the brutality. As she gathered the last of her energy to answer the simple question, her last question, she recalled the ordeal, how her so called husband assaulted her beyond humane reasoning. “How will I tell him?” she tensed, after she gathered herself from her drowning self she called a cab, boarded, paid and with no instructions she told the driver, “Drive.”, in a light weak voice. “He will know eventually better I tell him myself.”, she reasoned, still healing on the sudden blunder she just did her thoughts were in a whirlpool of confusion, “But will he understand? I’m his wife he will have to.” She consoled herself again, “I’m more valuable than her sister.” She bragged amidst the torment, this courage braved her
Last Updated: 2024-04-05
Chapter: Madman
“When will you be back?” she asked half conscious, “Soon.” He answered hesitantly, how could he answer something not even he knew the answer, a year, a decade, a day, he had no clue, al he knew was the only way out was through that door and once he was out, he was closing the one behind him till… well till forever he guessed. Forever was limited though, after a month or so she was released from hospital and like all alone women out there with tycoon brothers she was moved in the remote west of the island where few people lived the conditions unlike the rest of the island were dry, hot and desert like in some seasons. There with a built home courtesy of her brother, she began small growth development, visiting the upper region more warm than hot she ventured in the weaving sector, then gaining the skills the salon department within her lifespan of her youth she had enough skill to make her self-employed, an employed or an entrepreneur, she just had to choose. Ben and Brian took care o
Last Updated: 2024-03-31
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