First Item Of The Auction

“This is what I wanted to explain to you...” Brianna said to Arran.

Hearing this, Arran opened his ears and waited patiently to listen to what Brianna had to say.

But Brianna did not start immediately. Instead, she turned to address the others and said to them.

“You all should listen too. This is important.”

The others were surprised when they heard this. Normally Brianna wouldn’t include them in her discussion with Arran and would only talk to him. Feeling that this was important, Sadie, Jon, Trapp, Elena, and Vanna all perked up to listen to Brianna.

Once everybody was paying attention, Brianna started.

She first asked a question, “Do you know how the bidding in this secret auction works?”

Brianna was asking everybody there, but they shook their head in denial. Since they hadn’t been here before, they naturally didn’t know how the bidding was conducted.

Only Elena answered otherwise, “I’ve heard it’s done by way of exchange where the various participants offer up something of ben
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