First Offer For The Higher Dimension Disk
Of the five space sectors, four of them were occupied by different fleets of ships belonging to the various forces invited to the secret auction. Among them, there were also many ships deployed by the space station to oversee the rest of the fleets in order to prevent any mishaps.

On the supervising fleet, one could clearly make out the seven-star symbol that was the crest of the Aeth civilization as well as the divine shield star symbol that belonged to the border defense army of the Aeth military. It was clear that this fleet of ships sent to supervise the secret auction was an elite special army of the Aeth civilization responsible for defending the border of the Ether.

During his time in the academy, Arran had learned a thing or two about the various military armies of the Aeth civilization, so he was able to recognize them by their symbols.

After observing the border defense fleet for some time, Arran checked out the other fleets in the four sectors.

These fleets each had thei
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