Chapter 2: The Shore

Daniel woke up. The moment he opened his eyes, the sight of the dark cloudy  sky immediately met his gaze. He stood up and looked around. He finds himself at the shore of a mysterious island. He can hear the sound of crashing waves, he smells the breeze of the sea. The island is surrounded by rocky mountains and trees. He stood up and looked at his chest. There are holes in his clothes but no sign of bullet wounds in his skin. He looked around and examined the place. From a distance he saw a small cabin made out of woods from palm trees. He instinctively approached the house to check if someone's living there. He knocked on the door but no one is responding. He did it for like five times until he got bored. He decided to walk around and continues exploring the place. From a distance he found a mysterious old man with long white curly hair, curly long beard, body of skin and bones and  a bulging beer belly. 

"Hey!" he called out. 

The man saw him and he walked towards him. 

"Hello folk! It looks like you stumbled upon my land!" the old man greeted cheerfully. 

"Can you tell me what this place is?" Daniel asked. 

"You look tired. Why don't we come to my cabin and have a friendly conversation." The old man suggested diverting the conversation. 

"Looks like a good idea to me." Daniel agreed trying to be polite. 

They went to the cabin Daniel saw earlier. The old man browsed through the keys that he is holding, looking for the key that will open up the front door. He kept on picking a key and tries to use it to unlock the door but the door won't open. 

"So. You live here alone?" Daniel asked trying to start a conversation. 

"Oh I'm not really alone. I have friends here you know? The visit from time to time." the old man answered. 

"Where do your friends live?" Daniel asked. 

"In their houses." the old man joked. He laughed awkwardly after that. 

Daniel remained silent. 

"Oh. You don't seem to enjoy my humor.  They live somewhere within this island. Most of them live  in the settlements of Limbo." the old man responded properly. 

"Where is this Limbo?" Daniel asked. 

"It's a city. You'll find it once  you go further. You'll find other cities as well." the old man answered. 

After numerous attempts, the old man finally found the correct key. 

"Yes. Finally!" the old man cheered.

Once they stepped inside, they were greeted by an adorable orange cat. It approached them and made a sound. 

"Hello Virgil. Did you miss me?" The old man asked while petting the cat. The feline hissed at him. 

"Oops. I forgot that you hate this kind of affection." the old man stated. The cat meowed in agreement.  

Daniel examined the house. It is covered with ornaments made out of sea shells. Crafts made out of dead corals are dangling from the roof, looking like chandeliers rejected from the factory. At a corner there is an empty counter. After doing some observations, he directed his attention to the old man. 

"So how long have you been living here?" Daniel asked. 

"Ever since the beginning of time." the old man replied. 

'I see, I see" Daniel repeatedly nods. His expression was not able to conceal his skepticism. 

"You don't believe me, do you?"  The old man clarified. 

Daniel remained silent. 

"You might be thinking I am just another   lunatic." The man assumed. 

"No! Not at all" Daniel responded. 

"I can read faces, boy." The old man boasted 

"I'm just getting the impression that you don't want to tell me things so you're giving me vague answers." Daniel replied. 

"Why don't you take a seat first and we'll talk about things later." The old man suggested. 

"Okay." Daniel agreed. 

Daniel sat on a long chair that is made out of woods from bamboo tree. The man is preparing a food for him and Daniel to eat. Daniel has no idea what the man is preparing but it smells like a stew made out of fish. The smell also has a hint of ginger and vinegar. Several minutes later, the man came out from the kitchen carrying a tray with three bowls on top of it. He gave a bowl to Daniel. He also put a bowl in front of his cat. The last bowl is for himself. The bowl contains three chunks of tuna meat, a ginger and a sour soup. Daniel sipped the soup first.

"Thank you for the food." Daniel stammered. 

"How is it?" the man asked. 

"It tastes exotic." Daniel replied. "But its good!" he followed. 

"So. How did you get here?" the old man asked while chomping down on the chunk of tuna meat.

"I have no idea. All I remember is that I am looking for my wife and things went to shit." Daniel replied. 

"What's your name by the way?" the old man asked. 

"Daniel" he replied. 

"Nice to meet you Daniel." the old man said politely. 

"How about you?" Daniel asked. 

"I'm Alcharon." the man replied. 

"You told me earlier that you've been living here since the beginning of time. What do you mean by that?" Daniel questioned raising an eyebrow. 

"Oh. That's just an expression" the man replied. "What I mean is that I live here for a long time now. I can't point out how long." He yawned and stretched his arms afterwards. 

Daniel did not say a thing. He just continued eating the food that the old man gave him. 

Hours have passed. The sky that is already dark just gets darker.  The moon and the stars started to appear. The noise coming from the crickets echoed throughout the island.  Inside the cabin Alcharon gives Daniel a pillow and a blanket. 

"I'm sorry but I don't have a bed here." Alcharon apologized. 

Daniel stayed silent. He just lied down on the floor and tries to fall asleep. Alcharon stopped talking as well. He just rest on the long chair, closed his eyes and relaxed his body. Daniel on the other hand kept his eyes open. He tossed and turn, tries every comfortable position but his mind just won't shut down. He kept thinking about his wife and how he's going to find her. 

The following morning, 

Daniel got up as soon as the sky gets bright. He went outside and took a walk trying to figure out the pace he is currently in.  He looked down on the sand trailing his steps. He looked at the vast water to see if there's a ship that could bring him back home. Hours have passed, he decided to go back to the cabin. 

Back at the Cabin, he's greeted by Alcharon. 

"You're up early!" Alcharon remarked. 

"I was not able to sleep last night." Daniel replied. 

Alcharon walked towards Daniel and tapped his shoulder. 

"Do you want to go on an adventure today?" He asked 

"Sure!" Daniel replied hesitantly. 

The man gave Daniel an axe. He also grabbed one for himself. 

"Where exactly are we going?" Daniel asked. 

"You'll find out when we get there." Alcharon replied. 

Daniel did not respond. 

"Where the fuck am I? Can I really trust this man? He keeps on giving me vague answers. Is he even sane?" 

"You can trust me boy. I'll tell you the things that you need to know when you're ready but for now we're gonna go hunting." Alcharon said out of nowhere. 

Daniel's eyes widened upon hearing what the old man said. 

"Did he just read my fucking mind?" 

"I already told you. I can read people." Alcharon whispered underneath his breath.  

Both of them began walking.  They trail the shore until they reached the area that is filled with trees that Daniel has never seen before. 

"What are these trees?" Daniel asked. 

"No one gave them a name." Alcharon replied. 

"They look weird." Daniel remarked as he looks at the brownish green large leaves dangling from the branches of the tree. Moments later they heard the sound of someone that is walking on dried leaves. 

"Hide!" Alcharon demanded. 

They both hide behind a tree. Daniel took a peak and saw something inexplicable. Before his eyes, a black wild boar that has the same size as a cow appeared. 

"What's that animal?" He asked. 

"No one gave it a name either" Alcharon replied. 

"This world is full of nameless shits. Isn't it? You must be pretty lucky to have one." Daniel mumbled. He chuckled slightly  after wards.  

"Stay quiet! We might scare it away." Alcharon commanded. 

"What are we going to do now?" Daniel whispered. 

"We'll throw our axes at the count of three." Alcharon instructed.

Daniel nodded and then Alcharon softly counted from one to three. Using their maximum force, they simultaneously threw their axes towards the wild boar. Both axes plunged thtough the side of it's belly. Both of them  slowly walked towards it, retrieving the axes. Alcharon did it effortlessly Daniel on the other hand grunted harshly  as he takes out the axe from the flesh of the animal. 

"Looks like we're going to have a delicious meal tonight." Alcharon remarked looking at the dead boar.  

"That shit's enormous." Daniel said pointing at lying corpse of the animal. 

"Watch your language Kid." Alcharon advised. 

Both of them carried the boar and took it back to the cabin. Daniel used all of his force to carry the dead animal but for Alcharon it feels like carrying a sack filled with cotton candy. Upon reaching the place both of them chopped the boar into portions, from its head up to its ham. After butchering, Alcharon cleaned the meat to prepare it for cooking. Daniel on the other hand prepared the fire. 

Several hours have passed, both of them feasted over the abundant food that they both prepared. Alcharon did a great job in seasoning and cooking the meat that's why they both chomped on it like a hungry hyena chowing down a wildebeest. 

"You have amazing cooking skills." Daniel complimented.   

Alcharon responded with a smile. 

"So can you tell me where am I now?" Daniel asked. 

"Let's finish our food first. It isn't polite to talk to people while they are eating." Alcharon deflected. 

"You have a point." Daniel agreed. 

Both of them continued feasting until their bellies bloated. 

"We must rest now." Alcharon said as he rubs his hand all over his belly. 

"Aren't you going to answer the question I'm asking earlier?" Daniel asked. 

 "You're not ready for the answer yet." Alcharon replied. 

"Stop spitting bullshits old man! I" Daniel yelled, reaching the peak of his patience. . 

"Watch your language! You're being disrespectful." Alcharon yelled back. 

Daniel held back for a moment thinking about his careless actions

"I'm sorry." he apologized. 

Both of them remained silent for a couple of minutes. 

"In the past couple of years, only a few people stumbled upon this island. This island is strange to say the least. This is something beyond what a normal people like you can comprehend." Alcharon explained vaguely. 

"So what is this place? Is it South America? Hawaii? Am I even on Earth?" Daniel asked 

"I'm going to tell you again. You're not ready for the answer yet. Alcharon replied.  

"What makes you think that?" Daniel questioned. 

Alcharon took a deep breath. "The name of this place alone might terrify you. If I tell you where you are right now you might loose the last shreds of your sanity. I think it will be better if you explore this place for yourself first before I give you concrete answers to the questions you are asking." Alcharon explained. 

 "Is there a way out of here?" Daniel asked. 

"Of course there's a way out! There's always a way out. But the way out of here is a tunnel of pandemonium." Alcharon replied. 

Daniel remained silent trying to comprehend what the old man have said.  

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