Chapter 28.3 – Werewolf Organization - Part 1.3

The two women left the room, with all the others bowing at their passage. When Aurora closed the door behind her, Nick asked, while looking at the dead bodies, “Is it just me, or did everyone get a little spooked by the easiness Queen Aella killed them? I know she probably killed far too many Werewolves as an Enforcer, but she didn’t even hesitate.”

Aniya sighed and said, “I know, and that always worried me. She likes killing Werewolves a tiny bit too much, but since she met Aurora, I think she changed. She used to be always angry, and most probably, the bond she has with Aurora and the new Pack made her realise she was not alone. She looked more at ease today than the first time I met her after she found Aurora. I was expecting her to be far more nervous than she appeared to be in the Auditorium. I am not sure, but maybe her light that made us recognise her as Queen of all Werewolves is also changing her, making her more worthy of ruling us all.”

Nick slowly nodded and spoke. “I don’
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