EPISODE 117 - The Battle Against Spellmaster (Part 3)
Right off the bat, Spellmaster cast two spells simultaneously, "Kill Phize! Kill Phize! Kill Phize!"

Three magic circles formed and were directed at Phize.

"The kid must have Spell Intercept and I know very well that every spell has a bit of a cooldown. It prevents spell spamming," Spellmaster surmised.

"Cancel," Phize thought.

One of the magic circles broke and so did those that came after.

"What? How did he-" Spellmaster wondered.

Trif and Lili charged at him.

He ordered her, "Chant these effect spells with me."

She nodded.

He chanted, "Strength. Speed."

Lili followed his orders, "Strength. Speed."

Both glowed red and yellow for a quick second. They charged Spellmaster.

"Blowback," Spellmaster chanted.

A strong force pushed both of them back. They held their ground.

"First and foremost, I have to eliminate Phize Gratham Drestil. He possesses an unknown ability," Spellmaster intellectualized.

"Come to me!" Lili yelled.

Trif nodded and did what she told him. She grabbed
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