Chapter 2

Chapter 2



When I opened my eyes, I looked around the environment and noticed I was in a hospital bed,

How did I get here?, was the only question I could ask myself and then, I noticed it, my baby bump it was gone

"Aaaah!" I screamed in horror,

"Calm down, calm down" I told myself but how could I do that when my baby bump was gone, could this mean, no I cried there had to be an explanation for this, there was no baby I could just wake up and the baby wasn't in me,

With in no time, the door to the room opened revealing a man I assumed was the doctor due to how he was dressed and two nurses following him behind

"Where, where is my baby?" I asked feeling my throat a bit dry

"Mrs Williams, try to calm down" the doctor said, was he freaking with me?,

I was just pushed from the top of my stairs and woke up without a baby bump and he tells me to calm the freaking down,

"Where,,,, is,,,, my,,, baby!" I yelled stressing every word, The Doctor and the two nurses where checking the machines besides my bed and before I knew it, I was injured with something on my forearm

"What the hell are you doing to me, where is my baby!" I yelled as I started to feel energy drain out of me

"Mrs Williams please calm down" I heard a voice say but I couldn't figure who said it or if the voice was of a female or male

I just wanted my baby at that moment

"Where, is he?" I asked has darkness covered my eyes...

The next time I woke up, I found my self in the same room I had been in earlier, my hands where attached to two drips one for water and the other for blood,

Maybe I was just dreaming I thought but when I looked at my stomach, my eyes where wet with tears has I couldn't see the baby bump like before

"Where, were is my baby!" I asked no one in particular, I suddenly felt very weak that I found it hard to yell more than I already had

"My baby" I cried, I heard the door open but due to my eyes crowded with tears, I couldn't point out who had entered,

Suddenly, I felt that too familiar touch on my hand and wiped out the tears off my face using my free hand

"Jimmy, the baby where is it?" I asked my voice sounding dejected, I was scared, more scared cause looking at the expression on jimmy's face, I knew I wasn't going to like what he would say

"The Doctor will be here soon" he said pressing a bottom above my head

"Honey, please tell me,, my baby,, where is our baby?" I asked has the tears fell down my cheeks,

The door opened revealing the same doctor I had seen earlier but this time alone, he checked up on the monitors attached to my body and checked my eyes

"Doctor how is she?" I heard jimmy ask

"She is fine now though she needs a lot of rest, I will give you two some privacy" he answered

"Doctor, my baby, where is my baby?" I asked the same question I asked every time I opened my eyes,

The Doctor did not answer me but instead walked out of the room giving a small nod to jim

"Honey..." Jimmy began

"Where,,, is,,, my,,, baby!?" I asked stretching each word

When he didn't respond, I looked at him with my tearly eyes

"Jim!" I called daring him to speak

"The baby is gone" he finally said making me try to sit up immediately

"Lay down you will hurt yourself" he said helping me Kayla back on my stomach

"What the hell do you mean its gone, it disappeared?" I asked sounding exactly as I felt, angry..

"Honey, we lost the baby" he said

"No, no, how could you,,, you say something like that,,, I,,, I,, can't lose my baby" I said in a matter of fact way looking him straight in the eye

"You had a miscarriage" that single statement sent me in shock, how I wished I didn't hear him correctly how I wished all this was just a figment of some nightmare

"I don't know how it happened, I got back late from work and found the house empty, I tried calling your number and your friends, it was in the morning the next day that I got a call from the Doctor telling me you where in this hospital" though I was a mess in the head that moment, I still managed to get what he said which confused me

"How, how did I get here if you didn't bring me to the hospital?" I asked in confusion, I could clearly remember someone or something had pushed me down the stairs and I passed out, I only wake up and found myself in this bed

"Honey, the Doctor said they found you passed out at the main gate while badly bleeding, they got you inside but unfortunately, the baby was already dead and all they could do was perform immediately surgery on you" he explained

"Out side the main door, why then did I get here?" I asked more to myself than him

"Jimmy, when was that?" I asked

"A week ago"

"A week ago?, I have been sleeping for a whole week and I,,, I lost my baby?" I asked has I broke down crying again,

What kind of curse did I have, how could I lose my child when I had waited for three years to have him, how was this even possible,

I felt pain In my heart, pain that no tears would justify, pain that I had never felt before

How could I lose this baby after everything I had so far gone through, what kind of curse was this cause surely I was cursed

"Shhhi baby, calm down everything is going to be okay" calm down, how was I ever going to calm down after leaving such news, I lost my baby, a baby I had been looking forward to see for a long time,

A baby that would bring me happiness and joy, how was I supposed to calm down and how exactly would things be alright!!!.

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