About Summons

"Now tell me everything that you have been hiding from me," Aunt Riru asserted. She was more furious than before. "The truth is, I possess the qualities of summoning undead monsters for now," I said politely. Aunt Riru's mouth opened wide like an opened cave. "Where did you get that power," asked Aunt Riru. "From the great war," I said. "Alright enough with the questions," said Miss Clarissa. Soon Riru got up from the dining table. "I'm going to make some Udon," said Aunt Riru. Why do you always prepare "Japanese foods instead of your asked Mai? "Because it's delicious," Aunt Riru said.

*Anyway, Ariana, do you remember what Fungus said the other time," asked Miss Clarissa. "Of course," I said. "He was talking about Lord Vulgar," I continued. Soon Aunt Riru stopped cooking and rushed to the dining room. "Did I just hear Lord Vulgar," said Aunt Riru as her eyes were filled with anger. "Never mention that she here again," she said. "He's the one who killed Mira's parents and he's the one who started the great war," she continued. "That's why you have been getting memories as soon as you mention that name," she said.

And just like that, I had memories of myself and my family again. Then I saw Lord Vulgar. "They were being murdered and they protected me," I said. "Ariana, Ariana, Ariana, ...." yelled Miss Clarissa. "What did you see," she asked. "I saw my past, my family, I saw lord vulgar smiling after killing my family," I said. 

Soon Aunt Riru came back from the kitchen to present the Udon. All of us are to our satisfaction and Miss Clarissa also came to spend the night at my house.

The next morning, Miss Clarissa had already left the house remaining me and my friends. I headed to the bathroom to take a shower then that's when it happened. My past began to show and soon I could see the future. I saw Miss Clarissa dead and Aunt Riru dead. The only survivors were me and my friends. Soon my mind returned to normal and I asked myself, "what's in the hell in the hell is going on here," Soon I entered the bathtub and decided to talk with my grimoire. I asked her how come I'm having memories of the past and began to have memories of the future. She replied by talking about Lord Vulgar. "This Lord Vulgar guy seems to be prominent," I said. 

Soon my grimoire told me to be more careful because so far as I've shown myself for the second time in a week, they will be coming for me and not my friends nor Miss Clarissa. "But, you can destroy and create the world the way you like it," my grimoire announced. "So that I do that now," I asked while smiling. "I'm afraid you haven't reached that stage yet," replied the grimoire. "You have a long way to go," said my grimoire. "So what things should I master," I asked. 

As soon as my grimoire was about to answer my question, I heard a loud yell from the dining room. "Ariana, go to school," yelled Aunt Riru. "Your friends are waiting for you," she continued. We'll talk about this at school," said the grimoire. I then got out of the shower and put on my school attire and head down to the dining table. "Won't you eat breakfast," asked Aunt Riru. "Nope, take care," I replied. My friends and I then went on to school and I meet Jocabel. She then hurried and joined us as we were going to school. It was like the best eight. 

When we reached school, everyone was looking at us. It's rare to see students walk in a group of eight. "Look at them go," said a guy. "Mira is gorgeous as ever," said another guy. "People seem to like you, Mira," I said. Mira didn't say a word as we went to our locker rooms. This morning was P.E so we had to change our sports attire. After changing, we went straight to the pitch. Again, Miss Arin was the one teaching us P.E. She made us run around the pitch 20-30 times. We didn't know on our first P.E we had to run 20-30 times around the pitch. After running, she made us have a high jump. Well, Mai, Celine, and Zain were terrible when it came to sports. Sonia and Mira were petty good when it came to sports. For me, I was in between. I can't say I'm good or bad at sports. 

After P.E we had broken so we closed for P.E and everyone went to take a shower to clean off their sweat. "Ariana," said Mira as she called me. "What made you choose control as your topic," she asked. I and the rest of the group were a little bit confused. "Why do you ask," I said. "Please just answer," she said. "I chose control because I want to control everything that exists on this Earth. Any evil power or being," I said. After saying this, Mira smiled, and then we all came out of the shower. She then hugged me and said, " Control everything." 

We then put on our school attire and headed straight to the cafeteria to eat. I then told Mira to head on that I was going to my locker to take something. I immediately left the cafeteria and went to my locker. "What did you want to tell me at home," I asked my grimoire. "So that's why you sped of like that, I would have said it in front of your friends," she replied. "I want to keep this a secret so that they would be shocked when seeing a new power," I said. My Grimoire then laughed and then said, " these are the things you must master;"

"You must make a tire system for your summons," it said. "What's that supposed to mean," I asked. "There is four-tire summons you need to master. Mob Summon, Soldier Summon, Knight Summon, Champion Summon, and the ruler Summon," she said. "We rank them according to their class and strength," she continued. "What do you mean by class and strength," I asked. 

"A high elder lich could be a champion summon," said the Grimoire. 

"What's a lich," I asked. 

"A lich is an Undead creature. Often such a creature is the result of a transformation, as a powerful magician or king striving for eternal life uses spells or rituals to bind his intellect to a phylactery and thereby achieve a form of immortality," said the Grimoire. 

To be continued...

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