Chapter Twenty- Four- Mental Demons (1)
Min glanced around at the darkness surrounding her, there had always been a saying that men were not afraid of darkness but of the unknown... and min was getting weary vibes from this place.

Seki had somehow been cut off from her and she couldn’t get her, no matter what she called, this definitely wasn’t good!

“Mmmh…” Min groaned as light hit her face. It was unexpected, one second she was walking in a tunnel with pure darkness, the next lights just came in, what the heck?

Looking around, opening her eyes she saw a sight so familiarly stunning that her eyes widened in shock,

“T-this is...h-o-om-me?” Min muttered unsurely in surprise

In front of her was her former school, only, she was in a strange room, seemed like the principal’s room? Min was confused but continued, she was not only confused but also curious, what was this?

“You couldn’t be more careless you woman!” A middle-aged lady dressed primly harshly reprimanded another who wore a simple dress with light brown hair and g
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