Cooper’s gaze now turned to the siblings. “It’s your turn.” He waved his hand, and the red disc gave off vapors as it flew at them.

It was so fast Fabby couldn’t react in time and get out of its way, not that it might help. Edgar flashed in its path and deflected the disc away. He was already covered in Flame Drive.

“So you can use Flame Drive,” Cooper was a little surprised. “But so what?” Multiple spinning discs formed around his raised forefinger this time. He swung his arm like a whip. “Triple Disc Threat!”

All three discs this time spun much faster and screamed through the air. He grabbed the sword with both hands and stomped forth. “Hell Shock!” The combination of electricity and flame drive formed a shockwave and clashed with the incoming discs and burned them away.

Cooper slightly frowned. (This guy… His drive isn’t a big deal, but his lightning ability is a bit of a pain in the ass. And he’s able to mix them well enough to crack my concentrated ‘driven’ discs. He’s definitely
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