The Unexpected Encounter

Gladio and Irish stared at each other, the man had a more serious gaze than before.

"Enough! Now you tell me, why and how come I am in this world?” Now that Gladio's attitude is more mature, his tone is much heavier and sounds like a grown man.

Irish got goosebumps when her saw Gladio. "OK!" She took a deep breath, the worst would happen if her was rash in answering that man's words. “Long time ago, in this world there was a battle involving multiple beings. Every creature has the same goal which is to become the strongest, of the many creatures there are several that have been recognized. They get great titles in this world, some become Demon Lords or Heroes. Two elements that still exist today! Simply you are proof of destiny spoken by someone in the era 500 years ago, he cast a curse on someone. That person is still alive today, and he is being very anxious about your appearance!”

“Humph….” In general, Gladio has understood what Irish said. “I wanted to ask, are you sure that I am the right person to be what that man said?”

The look in his eyes was so sharp, he wanted to get an honest answer from Irish.

"What a powerful gaze, what exactly happened to him earlier?" She became curious as to what had happened to Gladio, even though her already knew that it was a place to calm the soul. However, the soul in Gladio's body still feels unable to calm down.

After thinking and pondering Irish said, “I don't know, but you still have the potential to do it, it all depends on you! If you respond well to this then you will be greater than Inshisura the Hero who became a legend until now!”

Gladio had no intention of becoming what other people wanted him to be. “Huh… I don't care to carry out that person's duty or not! I'm just going to live, like I want."

"Eh?" Irish was surprised to hear Gladio's words. "Are you serious?"

Gladio did not answer Irish's words, his eyes flashed a very deep seriousness. Needless to say, it was already a sign that Gladio was very serious in his speech.

"I see! There really doesn't seem to be anything that can make you do someone wish! Then I congratulate you for successfully controlling the wild soul in your body!”

"Uh?" Gladio woke up beside a rushing stream of water. Everything happened so fast, Irish's words had brought him back to the real world. Gladio looked at his palm, he seriously looked at the monster skin attached to his hand. "This is all just the beginning, I will definitely find out what to do!"

Gladio washed his face with the flow of the waterfall, the skin of his body got a very comfortable sensation. He then turned his head towards the top of the waterfall, he could still see the water continuing to fall which made a loud noise.

Gladio got a cold touch from the wind that suddenly blew, Gladio's feelings spontaneously also came to his heart.

After that incident, Gladio immediately returned to Artorius' house. He wanted to meet the old man, the path he had walked was quite strange and very different than before. With only Gladio's memory, he continues to walk.

"Huh..." Gladio sighed. It was quite difficult for him to find way back to Artorius' house, a few days passed and it all really passed. But, all paid off when he saw a familiar building.

Upon approaching, the house that was once so clean already looks worn. Some of the walls of the house are already so fragile, the door of the house has been destroyed maybe because it has been eaten by age.

Slowly Gladio entered the house. The room of the house was filled with dust that had accumulated together, some cobwebs also adorned the walls and ceiling of the house.

"How long have I been gone?" When he passed the room that used to be a place for him to sleep there was a skull lying. Gladio got chills when he saw it, it wasn't because he was afraid or chilled, but he thought it was a bone mark from someone he knew.

Gladio was silent for a moment, he was confused about what to do. After pondering enough, Gladio tried to touch the skull. "Huh?" He seemed to be transported to a strange place, where his brain showed a strange vision.

But, all of that was only for a moment, Gladio didn't understand what he had just seen. The head that had become a skull seemed to be smiling at him, Gladio began to imagine that the face was Artorius. “Why, is it really you, Artorius?” His heart became sad, I don't know what made him get that feeling. He was truly devastated when he saw the bones.

Everything had happened, now there was nothing Gladio could do. He immediately buried the skull, his mouth slightly giving a prayer.

After that…

Gladio stayed at his original goal before this, he wanted to learn magic that might be of use to him in the future. He began to enter Artorius' house and headed for the basement, Gladio believed that there were still many books for him to study.

Up in the room, everything is still neatly arranged. Although a lot of dust covered some of the books, it was still worth studying. There was a table, a book with a black cover on it. Gladio became interested to reading the book.

"This book hasn't been opened in a long time!" Gladio started to open the book, his hands were a little dirty from the dust on the cover, but that didn't stop him. He continued to open the book, one very neatly written front page. "I'm sure that you will open this book, Gladio!" Surprisingly, Gladio saw that his name was in the book. "What's this? This book written directly by Artorius?” Not wanting to continue to be curious he immediately opened the book.

Piles of neatly arranged letters were already visible in Gladio's eyes, Gladio started reading the book. The book contained a phrase that was in Artorius' heart.

“I never thought that you would leave so soon! I can only write this message to you through the paper inside this book! I want you to be a great man and have great goals, I'm sure you can make it happen! After reading this message, you will discover the secrets of some magic that many people don't know about!”

__To Be Continued___

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