Early the next morning, everyone inside the hideout awoke to the sound of loud explosions and terrified screams coming from the town of Lutter en Paix. All the members of Anges Du Sol gather themselves, throwing on their armor and weaponry, preparing to head into town to combat the invading forces. Sarah quickly organizes the member of Anges Du Sol, grouping them for their specific duties before heading outside to meet Kiyoshi. The members of Anges Du Sol quickly disburse from their hideout, heading in different directions as they prepare to engage in battle. Sarah slowly emerges from the hideout after everyone had left, to gather Kiyoshi for both of them to depart.

"Are you ready to go, samurai?" Asked Sarah as Kiyoshi removes himself from the rock he had spent the entire night on.

Kiyoshi nods his head as the two make their way to town for their climactic battle to begin. In the town of Lutter En Paix soldiers wearing Tucson's armor patrol the town in large numbers. They force them

again am so sorry for such long updates still really really sick but thank you guys for sticking around

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