103- Profit and Loss 

103- Profit and Loss

I walked onto the fighting stage and at the same time a Lamia came up.

She must be my opponent.

I used [Observation] skill on my opponent.


‘Mid-level Demi-Monster stage.’

A strong opponent means a good opponent for practice, but the only thing that lacks is Agility, which is reduced due to snake body and that means if I am unable to win, I can use my high Agility to overwhelm the opponent. But from the looks of it, my opponent is extremely nervous.

“Now...Now how can this work? If my opponent is nervous then I will not be able to have a proper fight and due to that, if I don’t get a job or skill, then that would be disappointing.”

I thought inwardly. So, to prevent that, I need to calm my opponent. So, as a starter, I said,

“Hello, my name is Orochi. What’s yours?”

Hearing my question, my opponent was surprised but she still replied,

“My name is Amy.”

“Nice name. Don’t be nervous, just focus on our fight and you will get
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