Exclusive Property

"For how long do we have to be quiet about this? Does it make any sense to you either?"

The atmosphere in the hall was tense. The hall of the BMX tower had been filled with the board members who seemed to be caught up in a wild mood. It was written in all faces that something quite disturbing was happening or had happened.

"If he doesn't think he could take care of the company, he could as well hand over the administration to someone else. If you ask me, he is quite young to know about matters that are this delicate. He shouldn't ruin this any further with youthful exuberance."

Another of the men had staked a claim. His eyes were red. Though his eyes were red and demanding, yet his was the coolest amongst the rest. You want to imagine what mood the rest were spent in.

"You have a point. He can't keep doing things because he feels like. He is only a business man. We are the one who had always been there for this group since the beginning of time. If anything goes wrong, he could sell
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