"Kairi, what do you say?!" Virgo gasped about Kairi's sudden request.

"I want to help the hostages who are taken by Dark Ries," Kairi said seriously.

After an hour of calming down his chaotic emotion, he remembered that there were still hostages in Dark Ries' hand. He felt wrong because they all were safe but the hostages were not.

"Are you crazy, Kairi?! There are dozens of his men there who will be so happy to see us again including Dark Ries!" Aries disagreed. She does not want to feel hopeless again.

Kairi looked at them one by one.

"Virgo, Aries, Agi, and Pegasus, please help them! I can't bear to see them get abused like that. There were even children and old people who were caught too. They need our help." Kairi pleaded.

He knows that he will endanger them once again but they were those hostages' hope now. If they left, he doesn't know what will happen to the hostages. And time waits for no one.

Pegasus gritted his teeth. He gr

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