Strix Preivew Chapter

The huge Euphemia chapter I had planned for today got deleted,and since I'm in another country with an old laptop for work, I'm screwed. So instead, here's a chapter that I hope can convince you to read my story on Webnovel dot com called Strix. Under the same user name I have on this site



So this was true augmented reality? I touched one of the windows, feeling nothing but air, and it opened. The best way I could describe it was like a holo HUD, displayed in my vision. Dozens of apps were laid out for me, ranging from bank and credit union accounts to messaging services, to entertainment. It was like I had a portable computer with me, better and more flexible than any laptop.

"Linkers are connected to the Oracle System," Mireille explained. "You could say Oracle is the system that runs our society. Or the backbone of our it. That's why they're so hard to procure. Counterfeiting a linker and having it link to the Oracle System is nearly impossible. The few talented
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