The journey to the hunt

It was early morning the sun had just shone through Norks window hitting Rogans face waking him up from his slumber. Rogan began to sit up as the blinding light hit his face causing a slight daze, he finally had a proper night's sleep after all that torture.

Finally siting up he sees Nork but for some reason he's not got any survival equipment or weaponry for the hunt. 

As Rogan sits up Nork notices this and begins to speak, morning got all the equipment you should need over there for the hunt Rogan, good luck today. This confused Rogan as Nork was speaking as if he wasn't joining the hunt. Rogan finally asked what he was wondering, Nork are you not joining the hunt, you've always looked forward to joining a orc Horde. 

As we began to talk Nork finally tells me whats going on, he made a deal with the shaman which meant that he had to become the shamans apprentice. This meant that his Gre Gar Hunt wouldn't happe

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