VENGEFUL CEO: A Contract With The Watcher
VENGEFUL CEO: A Contract With The Watcher
Author: Angel Grace

I felt my breathing grow weaker and weaker, as if my chest was on the verge of giving up. The countless blows and kicks I endured earlier echoed in my ears, accompanied by the sickening sound of my bones cracking. I longed to open my eyes and catch a glimpse of the person standing before me, but my eyelids struggled to stay open amidst the steady flow of blood staining my face. Even my fingers refused to obey my commands, barely twitching in response.

Pain and confusion mingled within me, as I questioned why I was chosen for this torment. What had I done to deserve such suffering, especially when I possessed so little? Tears welled up in my eyes, and I berated myself for my own vulnerability. Surely, this couldn't be the life I was meant to live. Perhaps there was more to my existence than this bleak moment.

As the specter of death drew near, a bitter smile of regret played upon my lips. "So, this is the end," I thought grimly, accepting my imminent demise. With my vision growing hazy and fading to black, a faint voice reverberated through the air, reaching my ears from a distant place.

A few days earlier, before the tragic incident unfolded...

"Listen up, everyone," the voice commanded. "Make sure you complete your project and submit it before the week is over. There will be no extensions this time."

Upon hearing the professor's final words, a wave of anguish swept over the students, causing them to groan in dismay. Paying no heed to their distress, the professor proceeded to exit the classroom, unaffected by their reactions.

Meanwhile, amidst the collective complaints and murmurs of the others, one student remained engrossed in his laptop, oblivious to the conversations swirling around him. The voices of his classmates discussing various plans and sharing exciting news reached his ears, but he was too immersed in his work to pay them any attention.

"Hey, how about we visit that newly opened coffee shop?" someone suggested.

"Guys, there's a movie coming out tomorrow. Shall we go and watch it?" another chimed in.

"Look at this! My parents recently returned from France and brought me this amazing watch," exclaimed another student, proudly displaying the timepiece.

Letting out a sigh of resignation, the boy reluctantly abandoned his task and began packing his belongings. Envious thoughts welled up within him as he listened to the lively discussions taking place around him. "I should head to the library instead. I need to complete this before I go home," he resolved, determined to focus on his responsibilities and finish his work.

While making his way towards the library, the boy observed his fellow students engaging in social interactions from a distance. He observed various groups and couples interacting with each other, prompting his mind to wander and contemplate if he would ever find himself in such situations.

Upon reaching the library, he found it relatively empty, as most students preferred to spend their time socializing with friends. Taking his usual spot, he settled down and began organizing his belongings, preparing to start his work.

Just then, a girl who had also recently left his class entered the library. Her presence instantly captured the attention of those present, who couldn't help but steal glances at her. Unfazed by the attention, the girl appeared to be searching for someone, paying little heed to the onlookers.

As she wandered through the library, a gentle smile crossed her face, indicating that she had found the person she was seeking. 


The boy, engrossed in his task and feeling somewhat disconnected, abruptly halted when he heard his name being called by a familiar voice. Startled, he glanced up and spotted the girl making her way towards him, wearing her usual warm smile.

"Mia," he greeted her.

As the girl settled into the seat opposite him and took out her belongings, she inquired, "What are you up to?"

"I'm just wrapping up my project before heading home. What about you?" he responded.

While the girl explained her reason for being at the library, the boy found himself pondering the nature of their relationship. Despite their stark differences, they remained connected.

The girl facing him was Amelia Rosenburg. Renowned for her exceptional abilities in all aspects of academics, she was regarded as the academy's brightest mind and most accomplished talent. The details of her family background remained elusive, as she deliberately maintained a low profile. Unlike Victor, who had no one but her, she seldom socialized with her peers.

Despite his self-perceived shortcomings, there she stood, right before him, sharing her grievances about the mundane aspects of her life and council responsibilities once again. They had known each other for many years, their friendship spanning over a decade.

It was through Amelia's persistent insistence that Victor had enrolled in university. She had insisted that they attend the same institution.

"Victor, are you okay?" Amelia asked, noticing his absent-minded state.

"I'm fine, what were you saying?" Victor replied, snapping back to the conversation.

With a concerned and troubled expression on her face, she inquired, "How are you really feeling?"

Victor smiled, appreciating her genuine concern, and swiftly responded, "I'm alright."

He then directed his attention back to his work, reflecting on his thoughts.

If only she hadn't witnessed that moment, when I appeared so pitiful in her presence. Escaping from my own father.

On that fateful day, Victor experienced a brutal beating at the hands of his father, an ordeal that brought him to the brink of death.

Noticing that Victor had no intention of discussing the matter, Amelia maintained her familiar smile and simply remarked, "Good to know."

Victor briefly glanced at Amelia, checking on her activities, before sinking back into his contemplation.

This is precisely why I admire Mia so much. She respects boundaries when it comes to personal matters, provided one can handle them independently. That's why I always strive to endure, as I never want to burden her with worries.

As Victor continued working on his project, he observed a hint of sadness in Amelia's expression as she perused the council documents in her possession.

Curiosity piqued, he inquired, "Are those related to the year-end party?"

Amelia let out a heavy sigh and tossed the papers onto the table, her spirits clearly dampened. "Yes, they are."

Victor picked up the discarded papers and quickly skimmed through them. "What's wrong?" he asked, concerned.

"Some students have excessively high demands, often overlooking the school's limitations despite their ability to afford it. Even if they are willing to pay, the school has certain standards, and their arrogance exceeds those standards," she elaborated while Victor listened attentively.

Victor returned the paper to her and inquired, "What's your plan?"

Amelia smiled as she gathered all the papers together. "Of course, we'll reject all of them..."

A few hours later, Amelia left Victor to attend a council meeting. Since Victor also had to go to his part-time job, he dropped her off at the council room before departing.

As he was about to leave, he accidentally collided with a group of students. To make matters worse, they weren't just ordinary students; they were the children of a wealthy tycoon who would inherit their parents' fortune. They were what you would refer to as heirs.

"Hey, isn't he the guy always seen with Mia?"

The elegantly dressed man stared icily at Victor. "You're correct, it's him..."

In the blink of an eye, Victor found himself being forcibly pulled by the group of students, his mind racing to comprehend the situation.

The group dragged Victor to a secluded corner of the school and encircled him.

Victor: Please, just let me go...

Heir: You're nothing but a worthless individual. How did someone like you manage to be friends with Mia? Did you cast a spell on her or poison her mind?

Heir's Friend 1: Boss, what do you want us to do with him?

Heiress: Can you all hurry this up? I have an appointment to attend.

Heiress's Friend: Are you going for another nail session today?

Heiress: Of course, this is just old school now.

The girl proudly displayed her nails to her companion, leaving the boys alone to deal with Victor.

Heir: So, tell me, what have you done to Amelia that she constantly hangs out with trash like you?

Victor: I swear I have no idea what you're talking about. We're simply classmates.

Heir: That's nonsense! Teach him a lesson not to lie to me.

Suddenly, Victor was struck with a powerful blow to his stomach. Then, another punch landed on his face, and the relentless assault continued, raining blows on every part of his body.

After some time,

Victor collapsed onto the ground, prompting his attackers to cease their punching and resort to kicking instead. They observed his barely moving form, and in a final act of contempt, they spat on him before walking away.

Heir: What a waste of time.

Once they departed, Victor mustered whatever strength he had left, crawling to collect his belongings. His body was covered in cuts and bruises, tears streaming down his face from the excruciating pain and profound humiliation.

"F*ck this! What did I ever do to deserve this?" Victor shouted as he angrily discarded his belongings. He despised them with every fiber of his being. Oh, how he longed to fight back, but he knew it would only invite further misery.

Upon his arrival, it surprised some of the customers to see him all messed up and covered in blood. Luckily, the customer in the shop knew about his situation and only felt bad.

"Victor, what happened?" inquired the elderly man who was overseeing the shop.

"Gramps, I apologize for being late..." Victor smiled and bowed, expressing his regret for his tardiness while disregarding the old man's question.

It was this elderly man, whom Victor affectionately called Gramps, who had helped him save money for university. At the same time, because they had barely any food at home, he could feed himself.

"Don't worry bout it. Go clean yourself up first," Gramps reassured him, guiding the boy to the second floor.

Accompanied by the old man, Victor ascended to the second floor to tend to his wounds. Downstairs, the individuals present couldn't help but voice their thoughts.

"I feel sorry for him. I wonder who could have done something like that to him."

"Thank goodness Mia isn't here... If she were, she would be in tears and deeply concerned for him once again."

Victor eavesdropped on the conversation of the individuals downstairs. Upon hearing their absurd comments, he couldn't help but laugh to himself.

After the old man helped Victor patch up his wounds, he went ahead and did his job. Despite being in bad shape, he continued to work hard and not let it get in the way of his work.

Life may be cruel towards him, but Victor does not let this knock him down but instead moves forward instead as if everything is all in the past and shouldn't be looked back at.

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