Chapter 9: A New Acquiantance

"Where are you taking me?" Well's eyes were a little too anxious to be in a crowd as full as where they were right now, but he had no choice but to tag along with his new friend, Joross.

"Chill. Just trust me. I am only trying to give you a good tour of the place because you deserve it. As an old student here, it is now my primary obligation to make sure that the new students get the good service they deserve. And by saying good service, it also means a free tour of the city, of the school, and of the building where you will be staying for the next four years of your college life," Joross was saying it with great enunciation like he had been taking quite some time to memorize it. "Wait." He paused for a while, looking back to Well like he had suddenly suspected him of something. "Hold on for a sec. Are you trying to suspect me of kidnapping you?" Joross' eyes were like a pair of darts shooting through Well. They both knew that he meant it only as a joke, but it was too real to be dee
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