Dark Weapon Book One: Time of Bombing

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Dark Weapon Book One: Time of Bombing

By: Rachel N OngoingMystery/Thriller

Language: English

Chapters: 24 views: 1.4K

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Dark Weapon Book One: Time of Bombing This intense and fictional voyage and action packed novel spans two generations and the unthinkable equivalency between a story from the year 1954 and 2041. When 5 girls leave their home country to another to be trained with the hope of becoming military personnel one day, they learn of a ploy and survive it in the end. There are losses, big losses but they come to terms with it with the help of Katherine. An old woman with lots of wealth and a history with the tragic event from 1954. The girls, after years of training under Katherine become mercenaries and make a comeback with the name '5'. Their first entrance brings turmoil and carnage to Danima and they leave the state in panic. The story of the 5 girls and the victims from 1954 are crafted from the imaginative mind of the writer. The action is non-stop, the fictional locations and characters are fascinating and engaging. There is suspense, tension and romance all moved within this story that captures the readers imagination and keeps the reader guessing till the end

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24 chapters
Chapter 1
Afternoon came along with the scorching sun. People were walking about with either newspapers trying to get some air onto their bodies or with mini battery operating fans. God bless Technology. Maybe it was the heat all around that caused the argument between Dana and her Mother. Perhaps it was. Dana walked out of the house slamming the door behind her angrily. The neighbors made way for her to pass as she was known for her attitude when she had the look she had on her face at that moment. Her Mother made to go after her but stopped when she saw the neighbors waiting for her to begin her drama. Some even had their phones out. She retreated into the house, cursing her husband for making them move into a gossip themed Estate. “Mom!” Emilie screamed from the room. She ran into the living room clutching a piece of paper like it was evidence from a crime scene“What’s wrong?” Rose asked“Look Mom, Dana still got the form for the entrance exam to the Defense Academy” Emilie said holding the
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Chapter 2
Rose and Emilie paced about outside waiting for any news on Dana. They were even expecting an ambulance bringing in her corpse. She was more than capable of committing suicide. She used it to threaten them in the past to get a bicycle. It didn't work though. Rose was sure something had happened to Dana. She pulled Emilie who had her fingers in her mouth to her and ordered her to call her husband, their Father.“Mom, he’s in another state right now. How can he possibly do anything about this situation?” Emilie asked“Call your Father! Rose screamed, Dana only listens to him, if he calls her she might come back home. That's if she isn't already dead” Rose added“No need for that. And I'm not dead” Dana said walking in“And where the hell were you?” Rose asked“I think that would be called none of your business” Dana replied walking into their room. It took Emilie all the strength in the world to hold Rose back from pouncing on Dana. She followed her into the room after successfully conv
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Chapter 3
The huge bell in the training centre rang at the strike of 6.50 by the morning. The girls previously thought it was for a church service or something but it was for waking those who had the habit of sleeping in. An announcement on the kind of punishment given to the unfortunate person to come last to the field sent the dormitory in frenzy. To save time, Dana and the girls all shared the bathroom at once giving Jasmine the opportunity to see Dana's weakness. Her boobies.“Has anyone seen my lotion?” Cathy asked searching frantically for it“Yeah” Chelsea answered“Really, please where?” Cathy asked“In my nostrils” Chelsea said laughing hard. Cathy stared at her and wondered if the late coming announcement didn't send shivers down her spine. She was probably thinking her Officer Uncle would get her out of trouble. Ha!“Here it is” Jasmine said holding it up“Thanks, you are of some use today” Cathy said They hurriedly walked out along with other girls in their dormitory to the field.
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Chapter 4
The huge bell in the training centre rang at the strike of 6.50 by the morning. The girls previously thought it was for a church service or something but it was for waking those who had the habit of sleeping in. An announcement on the kind of punishment given to the unfortunate person to come last to the field sent the dormitory in frenzy. To save time, Dana and the girls all shared the bathroom at once giving Jasmine the opportunity to see Dana's weakness. Her boobies.“Has anyone seen my lotion?” Cathy asked searching frantically for it“Yeah” Chelsea answered“Really, please where?” Cathy asked“In my nostrils” Chelsea said laughing hard. Cathy stared at her and wondered if the late coming announcement didn't send shivers down her spine. She was probably thinking her Officer Uncle would get her out of trouble. Ha!“Here it is” Jasmine said holding it up“Thanks, you are of some use today” Cathy said They hurriedly walked out along with other girls in their dormitory to the field.
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Chapter 5
Examination had finally arrived and the trainees were scared they weren’t ready to write the theoretical aspect of what they taught. They were confident in perfecting the practical aspect but not the theoretical. Some of them had smuggled bombs into the examination hall hoping to set it off when the instructors weren’t looking. Now these weren’t actual bombs, there were what people knew as expos or tap-me’s. “Write as many answers as possible and no cheating. Good luck” Swart said and turned to the chalk board. The trainees didn’t wait for him to turn around completely before they began to ask questions. Like Cathy.“Hey Dana, what's the name of that explosive that makes a loud noise when going off?” Cathy asked“There are a lot of explosives that makes loud noises when going off” Dana replied“No, I'm talking about the one you read bout yesterday” Cathy insisted“C4?” Dana said“Yes, thanks”The exam was a success as none of the trainees failed when their results were posted. Their
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Chapter 6
Three years laterSwart had climbed through the ladders in the military and had banged the position as the Minister of Defense. He still remained friends with Philips even after their bonding experience back at the now desolated training center. He had his plans to remove the likes of George from the military after getting into that position but from the looks of it, it wasn’t going to be easy. “Congrats honey, you deserve to be the Minister of Defense” Hannah said patting Swart’s shoulder“My friend, congratulations” Philips said shaking hands with Swart“Thank you for coming” Swart said“The pleasure is all mine, I have to go now since the President summoned me” Philips said“Sure, thank you again” Swart said“Minister of Defense, Swart. Don’t you think what we did three years ago was worth it?” George saidHe was now a retired Army General and already old and wrinkly but he was like the godfather in the military. He still controlled the President like he was a pun on his ch
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Chapter 7
Philips, oblivious of the fact that his entire family had been murdered, ran into the State CIA and began to rant out everything he knew about the incident. He as then directed to the Captain of the CIA agents who happened to be George’s son. He was an upright CIA who always worked with facts and the truth. And he was ready to help the friend of his Father. “Here, this is Elisa’s number, but someone that calls herself Nada called me with it and said some things I didn’t really understand” Philips said “What were these things you said you didn’t understand” Adan asked“Something about three years ago, but that’s not important right now. I need you to save my wife because this Nada said they already killed Thelma” Philips said quivering a little“I know what to do with this” Adan said as he took the phone from Philips“Get the agents ready and get SWAT to come along too!” he ordered as he walked into his office with Philips phoneAdan dialed Elisa’s number and it was answered on the s
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Chapter 8
“Captain, these are the files you requested for” Stephany said walking into Adan’s office.“Okay, thanks” Adan said “What are you doing Sir?” Stephany asked, looking into Adan’s laptop“Just something I’m working on” Adan replied still focused on his work“Huh? Why are you going through the gas explosion of three years ago in Danima” Stephany asked“You know about that incident?” Adan asked surprisedHe thought just a few people knew about it. Especially since Swart and Philips covered up everything. No one talked about the gas explosion and even he didn’t know of it. Though he too was serving as a trainee for the CIA at that time the explosion happened but he didn’t hear any news of it. It was almost as if people spoke about it for only one day and then forgot about it. “Yeah, I lost my cousin, Daniel in the incident, remember?” Stephany said“Yeah, yeah I do, was he in that incident too?” Adan asked“Yeah, he was. It was very suspicious for 355 persons to be wiped out at once wit
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Chapter 9
Nada walked into the apartment and let herself fall to the sofa. The living room was well furnished and spacious, filled with various monitors recording everything going on in the Police department and State CIA as well as the hospital where Hannah was admitted.Mini walked out of a room with her gun in her hands and stared suspiciously at Nada before she let go of the trigger.“Did you think I was intruder? A thief, perhaps?” Nada asked“Yes! How can you walk in without making a single sound?” Mini asked“Forget making sounds. I’ve got it” Nada said “Got what?” Fae asked as she too stepped out of a room“Duh? The info we need against Swart. I even added one of Fae’s toys to her cell phone” Nada said“Really? Your acting skills are better than I thought” Mini said“I’ll take that as a compliment then” Nada said and shut her eyes“So, you’re gonna to tell us what you got from her or are you gonna make us beg first?” Blesse asked“Beg” Nada said“Seriously?” the four girls asked at onc
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Chapter 10
Nebula danced to the deafening music like she was crazy. She pushed the other members of the 5 aside and kept screaming at the top of her voice. Her drunken attitude had kicked in and Blesse kept using her eyes to curse Nada for insisting on them coming out in the open. Nada was the leader even though Blesse was the eldest and she didn’t see anything wrong with that because Nada was a better fighter than she was and was perfect when it came to leading an operation but where she had a problem with her was dealing with things that required using common sense.Nada and the other girls lived their lives recklessly because they didn’t have the hope of returning back home after the scars the bombing at the training center left them but Blesse wanted to return. When Katherine took the girls in and trained them to become ruthless criminals, she only accepted because she was new in Horki and she needed to survive but the other girls embraced the new life Katherine gave them. Especially Nada.S
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