Chapter 5 - Where are we ?

In the sea, a small boat with nearly full passengers can be seen.

"Keep going, Brother. We're nearly there. We'll get to the other side soon. We will be free; there will be no more wars or killings. FREEDOM "and an exciting roar can be heard from the boat

Suddenly, a man points to a location and says "There's someone there, they must have been dropped from a previous boat. Let's get the boat there and save them."

"Where is this place?" Little Mark has awoken and is looking about. There are many people around him, including women, children, and men. Everyone has a worried expression on their face. They appear to have been through something heinous. But he felt they were the same as the children and women who had left planet Merck before him. He assumed they were also war victims. He looked around and noticed his sister nearly talking to a man.

He approached his sister.

"You awoke? It must be difficult ha. Your sister stated that your Grandpa sent you before your home was attacked. In a targeted attack, almost everyone dies or is severely injured. Anyway, hello and welcome to the new world. We're not far from the land. We won't have to worry about anything once we get there. You can now go to school without fear of bombs falling on us while you sleep. Finding work. It must be nice to live in a world without war. Thank You for the second chance, God ".

Ali was the name of the man communicating with his sister.

"Why are you speaking in Almas language and what are those bombs and things, why can't you go to school or sleep?" Mark asked.

But the boy named Ali, who couldn't understand little Mark at all, inquired.

"Why can't I comprehend what language you're speaking? If your sister can communicate with me, why can't you? "

"You only know Almas' language? That's odd; anyway, where are we? And why did you express gratitude to God for saving you? Did you happen to meet God?

Please tell me where he is if you met him."

Ali became even more perplexed "What are you talking about? I never met God, but I prayed to him and he saved me. Everyone in my family and village died except for me. I was about to die of hunger in the village as well, but a vehicle went in the wrong direction and ended up in my village, saving me. Now I have a chance to escape that hell. What am I even talking about? You are a just child, just like I was when I became an orphan. We don't have any water or food, so go get some rest. We must survive and hope for the best."

Little Mark approached his sister and asked, "Sister, where are we and what kind of situation are we in?"

His shoulder was patted by his sister. "I didn't learn much from him, but I did learn that we are on a refugee ship fleeing a war-torn country, and they believe we are also like them, having survived a ship before them.

Listen, Mark, don't tell anyone about our origins and never speak in our language; instead, use Almas from now on. Allow me to go talk to others and try to gather information."

While his sister went to speak with an elderly couple, he approached Ali. "Hey, can you tell me more about God? Do you know how I can meet God or talk to him? I just really need to talk to him about something important."

"I know you must want to know if your grandfather is alive or if your parents are in heaven and you just want to complain to him about the bad guys. I know it's all and I too was your age and I went through the same thing. I know it's hard but don't worry, I'll take care of you. Your Grandpa is fine, and your parents are in heaven; don't worry, good people always go to heaven." Ali laughed and patted little Mark.

Little Mark looked perplexed "What are you on about, Ali? Where is 'heaven,' and how does God know if my Grandpa is all right? I just want to ask him another question ".

Ali found it strange, "okay, then what do you want to ask him?"

"I want to ask him what the treasure he left behind is and how to use it," said Little Mark.

Ali examines little Mark's hand and notices that he is clutching a locket as if his life depended on it.

Ali thought, "This must have been his grandfather's gift before he left, and this boy believes it is a treasure God left to protect him. Perhaps his Grandpa told him that lie to give him strength. Let's just go with the lie, that way he won't be too upset."

Ali abruptly said "It's not simple to meet God, but there are few places where you can talk to God. Mosque, church, or temple Which place did your Grandpa go to? If you go to the same place, you might be able to talk to him, so where did your Grandpa go?"

"My grandpa never went to any of those places, and we don't have any sites or items with such names."

Little Mark approached his sister and said.

"Sister, I believe this Ali guy knows how to contact God; let's stick with him for the time being. If we can really communicate with God, we can figure out how to use the locket Grandpa gave us. He can even transport us to the planet Merck."

His sister spoke in hushed tones "Hey, I believe we've left galaxy zero. I inquired and discovered that they use paper currency and that their technology is far behind. We must be cautious and not give any suspicious information ".

Ali approaches them unexpectedly, holding two coats.

"Hello there, you two. I don't know much about your situation, but I can tell you're not your average refugee. Take this coat and go change. Your dressing style isn't from where I come from, and I haven't seen those strange clothes anywhere, not even in movies. Also, your bag, despite its small size, does not highlight it. We're not sure what kind of inspection they'll perform when we get it. Stay with me when we arrive. I know you don't have any documents, but I'll do my best to help. Just pretend you're my cousin who travelled on a boat that went before me, but the boat is destroyed and you got lucky enough to get on our ship, but the documents were destroyed in the process."

Little Mark and his sister saw the seriousness in Ali's eyes.

Little Mark has many questions, such as "our dress is equipped with nanodevices for controlling temperature and checking the normal medical condition, as well as a defence device to defend against normal attacks." He assumed Ali didn't see because he came from a poor family, and he wanted to ask what a movie was, but he didn't because Ali was serious. They both nodded and agreed with Ali's plans.

"By the way, you never told me what your names were."

Ali inquired, his face perplexed.

"Everyone used to call me "Little Mark." Jasmin is the name of my sister. My mother named her Jasmin since she is from the Almas family and wanted to give her a name in the Almas tradition. We lost our mother a few years ago because she was sick and we couldn't save her. My father's whereabouts are unknown; he was kidnapped and is most likely no longer alive."

"I'm sorry for your loss, but little Mark is not your real name," Ali said after a brief pause.

"Yes, my father's name is Mark; he was a scientist, and I wanted to be like him, so I followed in his footsteps, thus everyone nicknamed me little Mark. My given name is Rowan, which is also the name of a flower.

Hey Ali, I have a quick question: what galaxy are we in, and what is the name of our planet?"

Ali wondered what was wrong with this kid, whether it was because his father was a scientist or because he had witnessed too much cruelty in the world. Anyway, Ali responded,

"We are on the blue planet, Earth. It is a member of the Solar System, and our galaxy is known as the Milky Way. Stop asking questions and get ready; we appear to be getting close and will land soon ".

"Earth? What a strange name for a planet. And what about the Milky Way galaxy? I'd never heard of it or seen it in the library's galaxy lists ". Rowan became perplexed.

The boat approached the shore slowly.

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