Luigi tried to kick Simon's face while he was holding his foot and seemed to want to bite it. I was about to approach them to stop Simon and help Luigi, but suddenly, I stopped when I felt a tightness in my chest and as if something were blocking my heart that I couldn't breathe. Therefore, I fell to my knees and tried to reach out to Luigi to tell him that I wasn't feeling well, but he was busy running away from Simon and didn't seem to have any idea what was happening to me. I was holding my chest tightly and it was so painful that I felt as if my whole body was on fire. Therefore, I fell down while catching my breath, but instantly, everything went blank for me and I lost consciousness. I don't even know what happened next, as long as I fell there while Luigi was struggling to repel Simon, who was now in the form of a zombie. I thought that was the end of me and that I would never see the sunrise again, but suddenly, I opened my eyes and gasped as I looked up at the sky. Furthermore
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