Chapter 350 – GMB

Chapter 350 – GMB

Without being told, they already knew that these people were envoys from the king of Helu. Those with no interests can only admire from afar, waiting for Ganjiang to settle matters with the king of Helu. He walked over to check the surroundings while talking without the rider dismounting.

Alex watched Sanao, who was holding the charcoal box, move. Even though he was sure, the girl wouldn't do anything, he asked the others to observe him. When the conversation ended, Ganjiang finally went to meet them again. It was clear from the look on Ganjiang's face that he was worried about them. If only he wanted to hide something again from those people.

Ganjiang respects the decision and the trust they have placed in him, so this time he will first discuss the problem between the sword and the king of Helu. Ganjiang says that the king of Helu will come directly to the village in the evening.

These people only informed Ganjiang to prepare the two swo
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