Chap 83:

We made it through the aria forest after defeating some of the monsters that were in our way. After the tortoise was sent back, several monsters started appearing to attack our carriage. We can only rely on Alice to get here, while Rosaline is still sleeping soundly.

Half a day has passed, we finally arrived at the city of Ellen, a city at the end of the kingdom of Eragon, from here only an ocean awaits us.

In contrast to the city of Eldia which was filled with adventurers, this City was filled with various merchants from every corner of the world. Every now and then they offered me their wares, but I politely refused. It's not that I don't want to buy but actually the money is only limited to eating and renting lodging.

I'm really poor, even Eris didn't give me money when she was moved here. Even though being with him is also a big gift.

I turned to iris but iris immediately positioned herself on alert.

"You must be doing something bad."

Why is he acting so sensitive at a time
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