Not Your Fight

"Is this what you call fun!" Ella said through gritted teeth as she glared at Marilyn. "Is this truly just one big game to you!" Ella shouted with rage. "You're just picking and choosing who lives and dies because you think you can! Just like those poor kids!" Ella screamed at the woman before her as she bawled her fists and raised them high.

Marilyn let out a small laugh at her statement before turning her gaze down to Ella and giving her a smile that was meant to look kind and welcoming but instead gave the girl chills.

"Oh, sweetheart! Don't you know that there are more important things than living or dying. Everyone here is doing their part to ensure a brighter future for everyone. Even you." She said as she stood up from her seat. "But you see, I don't have any plans for you today dear. Your time hasn't come just yet. The only one I need is my dear brother. After all, this was set up just for him." She said as she attempted to walk past Ella.

But Ella's anger flared up once ag
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