Chapter 3

First monster. First problems. First trip.

I wandered through the forest for about an hour, but I could not find the right direction. Yes, and the area on the map opened up quite a bit. The dimensions of this world were amazing, and if I remember correctly, then Reinea is in no way inferior to Earth, and many believe that it is much superior, if we count the Hellish Abyss, Bright Heaven, and a number of other planes.

However, even without them, it is truly huge, and most of it has not yet been explored due to difficult regions, high-level monsters, and the remoteness of some locations from inhabited lands, although there was still a fairly large list of reasons.

Very strange, usually players who have just come to this world appear next to small towns or other busy locations inhabited by many low-level mobs. And there is no one here, which, in principle, is not so bad, because I really did not want to communicate with the players.

It just so happened that from a certain point in my life it became difficult for me to communicate with people. None of them did me any good. They caused only pain, and such that they completely repulsed all the desire to look for good people. I can't see through masks.

It's better to talk to the NPC. Although they are controlled by artificial intelligence, they are almost indistinguishable from ordinary people. Is that only one parameter, thanks to which they surpass the players. For most locals, all emotions are clearly visible on their face or felt in their words, gestures, and the like.

Of course, I understand that the developers did this on purpose to make it easier for everyone. However, it was a smart move that made misanthropes like me very happy. Oh-pa, and here is the first mob.

Forest hare. Level 1

Uh, is he growling at me? Damn yourself! But it's a hare, they don't know how. This one is kind of unusual. Looks like he's infected with something. Too bad I don't have a chance to check it out. Perhaps something affects the local fauna?

You have learned the Observation skill.

Description: As you explored the world around you, you began to notice many unusual things that caught your eye. Hidden treasures, secret paths and forgotten dungeons are revealed only to very attentive observers. Keep up the good work and you will be able to learn more about everything that surrounds you.

Skill Class: Normal

Skill level: 1

Hmm… not bad, but how do I defeat this rabbit? Play peepers with him? Or? I ran to this terrible native of Chernobyl, who, with his very appearance, spoils this beautiful forest, and kicked him into flight, which ended with the efforts of a mighty oak standing three meters behind him.

Critical hit! Your enemy takes additional collision damage!

Received 50 experience points.

Here is the first mob on my account. Let's see what came out of it. I went up to the small carcass of the animal and sighed sadly. Bummer, no drop fell out. But I didn't have to be sad for long.

Thanks to the skill of observation, my gaze caught on a strange moving blanket about fifty meters from me, and then abruptly began to send a signal to the brain: “Run, you fool!!!”. After peering a little into this moving carpet, I immediately followed the advice.

A flock of forest hares afflicted by the emanations of the Hellish Abyss

Level: 1-10

You can’t argue against such a quantity, and besides, there are already tenth levels here. They will devour me faster than a hungry cat a bucket of sour cream, and then they will drink milk and bread from my bag. And who came up with the idea of ​​​​putting mobs nine levels higher next to a first-level beginner, especially such a crowd? Ah, or is this a retribution for achievements? I'll find it, I'll kill the bastard!

That's devils, not rabbits! They do not lag a single step, and the fatigue strip rapidly begins to turn yellow. Sad, very sad! At this rate, I'm going to be eaten by a pack of rabbits. There is no way to wash off such a shame. What kind of goddesses are there then?

When the strip turned scarlet and began to blink, a wonderful thought finally dawned on me. I rushed to the nearest tree and quickly climbed it. A very thick linden. So they don't bite. And then several windows popped up at once.

Achievement earned: "Sprinter Ι"

Description: Exhausting fast running strengthens the body, and also increases endurance and strength.


+ 1% to run speed, + 1% points to the overall level of Stamina and Strength.

Achievement earned: Tree Crawler Ι

Description: Climbing trees (especially so fast) can be quite exciting and no less useful for increasing your level of strength, stamina and agility.

Reward: +1% climbing speed, +1% points to the overall level of Stamina, Strength and Agility.

And still missing the achievement "Brake" with minus ten percent to the speed of thinking. Well, it was necessary not to immediately think of climbing a tree in the forest.

However, it doesn't matter, the main thing is that I got a couple of achievements, which are now absolutely useless, but at high levels, even an extra unit of parameters will be worth its weight in gold.

Now we need to think about how to get out of this situation. I wonder if there will be any achievement for this? Stop stop, the disease of collecting has already picked up.

Yes, what is it! I'll leave sick after this world. I will invent achievements myself and assign them to myself. You need to stop thinking about it!

These creatures tried to jump on a smooth tree trunk, but slipped and flopped on the ground, growling like decent Rottweilers. I wonder how I even climbed this tree? The branches are about three and a half meters away, and the trunk is quite smooth, as if not even wooden. Come on, come on.

stone linden

Description: A rather rare tree in the forests of Reinea. The desolate rocky plains of the Araga Wastes are home to these trees. How they got into our world is still unknown, because the portal to these lands was destroyed many millennia ago. Since that time, space magicians have been looking for a way to that world. This tree has an extremely high density and hardness, so it can only be cut down with magic weapons.

That's a plus skill of observation. I wonder if these wastelands are a non-playable location, or did the developers come up with some kind of global quest? Or maybe it's just a gaming legend?

That's why magicians with such zeal are looking for a way there? It would be necessary to find out. I will note this fact in the wanderer's journal. Hmm ... but do the bumps grow on the linden?

Stupid question, of course not, but the devs don't seem to know about this, and I can clearly see a whole bunch of fist-sized cobblestones above me that look like bumps.

However, such inattention only plays into my hands. Picking one such stone and throwing it in my hand, I estimated its mass. Three hundred grams, no less. With a wicked grin, I threw this bump into the shaggy carpet with all my might and ...

Critical hit!

Got a new Level!

Got a new Level!

The pebble tried so hard, it immediately slammed a whole bunch of rabbits. Very, very good. Got two levels right away. Any demon could envy my smile, because such an evil grin, frozen in anticipation of a freebie, hardly anyone has ever seen.

For the next half hour, I scattered all the bumps that were hanging within my reach through the crowd of rabbits, and almost got another level. Unfortunately, the greater the difference between the levels, the less experience I get. But there are still quite a lot of living creatures and the question “what to do next?” remained unanswered.

After a while, the rabbits began to behave somehow suspiciously. They looked around and nervously jumped around the tree. Already completely crazy, I began to feel the sensations of the mobs from the realization of their uselessness.

It didn't take long for me to breathe. One of the cones suddenly lit up, after which there was a deafening bang, and the stone chips scattered in all directions, injuring nearby creatures.

A series of subsequent explosions took five more mobs to the next world, and the rest fled in fear in all directions, clearing the way for me. It is strange that a lot of mobs died, but there was not enough experience for a new level, however, it does not matter.

Now it is already possible to go down and see what is left there, otherwise my conscience will not allow me to just leave everything like that. Everyone is tormented by hamsters, strangled by toads, and my conscience gnaws at me. Yes, yes, conscience. I have it very thirsty ... peculiar.

Now I felt how smooth the trunk of the tree is. The hand slipped, and at first I put my forehead on the hard surface of the trunk, and then crashed from a five-meter height.

You have taken 7 damage.

Health level 23/30.

Here are those times, and how painful it is. My forehead and back hurt as if I had actually fallen. Something I do not remember that the players complained of severe pain. Ugh, damn, I need to sit a little, otherwise my head was spinning.

Injured! "Light Concussion"

Description: You hit your head and your agility, stamina, and perception are now down.

Effect: - 10% Agility and Stamina points

Additional Effect: Blurred Vision - 20% to Observation Skill Level.

Duration of effects: 1 hour.

Damn it, this stupid injury. Having searched the carcasses of hares, and at the same time the nearby territory, I cheered up a little. Now my inventory has replenished with a dozen skins, ponytails, five fangs, fragments of stone cones, one ancient coin found under a tree and two dimly glowing stone linden seeds that were inside the cones. Then I'll deal with all this stuff, but for now I need to find some kind of landmark.

To look around, I climbed a tree - a normal tree, not this stone linden. I will pump wood climbing. From the height of a four-story building, I looked around the surroundings.

Yes-ah-ah, I chose a rather high tree and got almost to the middle, it was somehow scary to climb further. However, this height was also quite enough to perfectly look around the surroundings.

Hmmm, the forest was huge and covered the ground with a green blanket to the very horizon. And already when I wanted to fall into depression, I saw gray smoke from the north, rising from the ground about five kilometers from me. Well, that's the purpose of the first trip.

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