117. Battle at Mont Blanc

Mont Blanc, France.

A dimensional portal appeared with a very large and unusual portal. Mont Blanc is located in the eastern part of France and is bordered by Switzerland and Italy.

The dimensional portal in Mont Blanc was not completed by the Hunter and was not taken over by the Guild. Too many unfinished portals. One of them is in Mont Blanc. The portal crash occurred and the people living under the mountains were frightened because a powerful monster appeared from the direction of the mountains and descended into the residential areas.

In areas far from the city center, Hunters around Mont Blanc, especially Hunters from the defense forces, came. There were also representatives from some less well-known Guilds or ordinary Guilds and not part of the three big Guilds who came because of the monster reports. Unfortunately, those from the well-known Guilds were less responsive when there was a dimensional portal that was far away.

Guilds still value everything in terms of capital or mon
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