EPISODE 9: Clean Up 1

Alex stood from the floor and opened the cell, he walked out feeling much stronger than when he walked in and began the fusion process, walked to where Edith, Elena and the rest of the people are and said.

“Listen up everyone, if we want this place to be our secure little paradise in a world where a single zombie bite can change the fate of all of us, I suggest we get cleaning the entire place up. So I have decided we will take care if all the zombies in this prison.”

“I understand what you are saying, but we only have a few guns here with limited ammo. There are hundreds of them in the wire and there are only a few of us here.” One of them said.

Alex shook his head and said. “You don’t have to worry about weapons, I have plenty if of them and some ammo to go with it. The eleven of you should take care of the zombies in the left side of the wire fence, I and the two ladies there will take care of the right side and the inner cells as well. “

He walked the rest of them to the truck and
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